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1 RMS ERCOT Disaster Recovery Workshop Follow-up ERCOT September 9, 2014.

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1 1 RMS ERCOT Disaster Recovery Workshop Follow-up ERCOT September 9, 2014

2 2 Disaster Recovery Workshop ERCOT Follow-ups Requirement: reduce the timeline from "event" to first notice giving "market awareness" to an ERCOT system issue. What can ERCOT do to meet this requirement? Work with COPS/CSWG on evaluating where COPMG may need similar communication requirements as RMS Can MarkeTrak operate “standalone” without ERCOT’s registration system? –MarkeTrak functionality is largely “standalone” at this time –A change request has been submitted to include all functionality What does it take to meet 12 hour recovery time objective? (event to systems ready) What does it take to meet 6 hour recovery time objective? (event to systems ready)

3 3 Retail/Commercial Systems – DR Capability Capable of operating out of two data centers Capable of a 5 minute data loss Recovery Point Objective (RPO) Recovery Time Objective (RTO) –Moving ERCOT’s operations between data centers –ERCOT has historically committed to a 24 hour RTO of all Retail/Commercial systems –After a review of the current DR plan and processes, ERCOT will commit to a 12 hour RTO Assumptions: –ERCOT’s alternate, or passive, data center is fully functional –The 12 hour RTO window starts with ERCOT’s first detection of an issue or incident that may require moving to the alternate data center ERCOT may execute 1 planned site failover in the fall/winter of 2014

4 4 Retail/Commercial Systems – DR Capability Retail ServicePriorityRTO Retail Transaction Processing112 hours Disputes & Issues212 hours Data Access & Transparency (reports/extracts)312 hours Data Access & Transparency / Ad-Hoc Requests312 hours Flight Testing4Best effort (no redundant environment) Recovery Priority -Retail Services will normally be restored, or failed over, in a parallel fashion -Should prioritization be necessary, the following order will be followed

5 5 Retail/Commercial Systems – DR Capability 6 hour RTO would require additional costs –ERCOT would need to undertake a formal initiative to determine the scope of necessary changes/costs

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