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How to write a paragraph Teacher: Natalia Delbono Colegio Sagrado Corazón.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write a paragraph Teacher: Natalia Delbono Colegio Sagrado Corazón."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write a paragraph Teacher: Natalia Delbono Colegio Sagrado Corazón

2 What is it? How it is formed? It’s the fundamental unit of composition It consists of several sentences that are grouped together as they describe one main subject Paragraphs have three principal parts: the topic sentence body sentences and the concluding sentence

3 The Topic Sentence It usually comes at the beginning of a paragraph It is the most general sentence in a paragraph (there are not many details in it) Suppose that you want to write a paragraph about your hometown: My hometown, Montevideo, is famous for several amazing features.

4 The Supporting Sentences After reading a topic sentence, the supporting sentences should give more information about the topic Supporting sentences are called "supporting" because they "support," or explain, the idea expressed in the topic sentence. A paragraph should have at least five to seven supporting sentences For example: First it is noted for its beautiful beaches and amazing parks which are full of plants and trees. Second, because of its nightlife which tourists find completely outstanding.

5 The Concluding Sentence It’s the sentence at the end of the paragraph which summarizes the information that has been presented You can think of a concluding sentence as a sort of topic sentence in reverse For example: All these amazing features make my hometown a famous and well-known place worldwide.

6 Some tips to remember… In formal writing, always begin your paragraph with an indentation (sangría) You should include enough details in your paragraphs to help your reader understand exactly what you are writing about Try not to use contractions (don’t, aren’t, etc)

7 Hope you’ve found this helpful…

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