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Motors & Motor Drivers ECE 450.

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1 Motors & Motor Drivers ECE 450

2 AC or DC Motors AC DC Few robots use AC except in factories
Most of those that use AC first convert to DC DC Dominates in robotics Must be bidirectional

3 DC Motor Types Continuous-duty (run continuously when power supplied)
Brushed Brushless Servo Intermittent-duty (power must be pulsed to run continuously) Stepper Motors

4 Motor Specifications Operating voltage Current draw Speed Torque
Stalling or Running Torque

5 DC Motor: Brush Motors The most common. Toys, battery powered tools, electric machines. Stator (permanent magnets) Brushes

6 Brush DC Motors Identify: Stator Rotor Brushes Commentator

7 Brush DC Motor How does it work?

8 Pulse Width Modulation
(PWM) Centered PWM

9 Brushless DC Motor Identify: Permanent Magnets Rotor Brushes

10 Brushless DC Motor Housing Laminated steel stack Winding
Permanent magnet Shaft Ball bearing 1 2 3 4 5 6 Less common. Higher efficiency, less friction, less electrical noise. Requires electronic driver.

11 Brushless DC Motor How does it work?

12 DC Servo Motor A DC Servo Motor is a DC Motor with
Gears and Electronics with limited angular rotation (typically 90, 180 or 360º) Why the addition of gears? Nylon Karbonite Metal Why electronics? Digital Analog

13 Requires constant pulsing ( 50 times / second)
DC Servo Motor 2.00 ms 1.50 ms 1.00 ms 0.50 ms 0.00 ms 1 1.50 ms: Neutral 1.00 ms: 0 degrees 2.00 ms: 180 degrees Requires constant pulsing ( 50 times / second)

14 Stepper Motor Full Step Half Step
Very common. Required driver. Very strong, when not rotating. Easy to control rotor position. Full Step Half Step

15 Full-Step Stepper Motor
1 1 1 1

16 Half-Step Stepper Motor
1 1 1 1 1

17 Motor Drivers Simple, 1- dc motor (brushes), on/off driver
DC Brush D1 1N5817 (Schottky) M C Q1 2222A (NPN) B On: to +9 V Off: to GND or disconnected R1 1 k E

18 Transistors PNP Bipolar Transistor NPN Bipolar Transistor C B E C B E

19 Motor Drivers Simple, 1-motor, on/off driver
1 k E Q2 2907A (PNP) On: to GND or disconnected Off: to +9 V B C M1 DC Brush M D1 1N5817 (Schottky)

20 Motor Drivers Classic Bipolar H-Bridge
1N5817 (Schottky) M M1 DC Brush +9 V Q2 2907A (PNP) R2 1 k B C E R1 D2 Q1 2222A (NPN) Q4 R4 R3 Q3 D3 D4 On: to +9 V Off: to GND or disconnected On: to GND or disconnected Off: to +9 V Taken from Intermediate Robot Building by David Cook

21 Motor Drivers Classic Bipolar H-Bridge
1 k E R2 1 k D4 1N5817 (Schottky) D2 1N5817 (Schottky) E B B Q4 2907A (PNP) C C from microcontroller 4427 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 NC GND IN A IN B VDD OUT A OUT B Q2 2907A (PNP) M GND Q3 2222A (NPN) Q1 2222A (NPN) from microcontroller M1 DC Brush R3 1 k C D1 1N5817 (Schottky) C R1 1 k D3 1N5817 (Schottky) B B E E Taken from Intermediate Robot Building by David Cook

22 Motor Drivers Typical H-Bridge Motor Driver
DC Brush OUT B +5 VDC Disconnected or from microcontroller From microcontroller SN754410 1 2 3 4 ENABLE A&B OUTPUT A INPUT A GND 5 6 7 8 INPUT B OUTPUT B VMOTOR VLOGIC OUTPUT C INPUT C INPUT D OUTPUT D ENABLE C&D 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 from microcontroller M2 0.1 F 220 F +4.5 to +36 VDC Taken from Intermediate Robot Building by David Cook

23 H-Bridge Lab Components
Construct the H-Bridge as shown using components from your Robotics Kit. Identify those configurations that short circuit the H-Bridge and on the enclosed table enter “Short Circuit” under the Results column Show this table to either the Instructor or the TA before proceeding any further. Using your H-Bridge, determine how the motor performs under each of the 16 different combinations of the four transistors DO NOT verify the short circuit combinations identified earlier! Pay attention to the transistor numbering in the table compared to the schematic. Be sure to identify whether or not the motor turns clockwise or counterclockwise For any breaking actions, identify which direction the motor is turning when breaking occurs. (In some configurations, breaking only occurs when the motor is turning in one direction but not the other.) Lab Report To drive larger motors, an H-Bridge with higher capacity currents would be required. Using the components in this lab, determine the component(s) that limit the current for driving a dc motor. Describe your analysis and results in your lab report. Include the table showing your results for the 16 different combinations for powering the H-Bridge.

24 Motor Drivers Classic Bipolar H-Bridge
1N5817 (Schottky) M M1 DC Brush +9 V Q2 2907A (PNP) R2 1 k B C E R1 D2 Q1 2222A (NPN) Q4 R4 R3 Q3 D3 D4 On: to +9 V Off: to GND or disconnected On: to GND or disconnected Off: to +9 V Taken from Intermediate Robot Building by David Cook

25 H-Bridge Test Results

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