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Errors Rebuked and Truth Affirmed 1 John 1:5– 2:2 Theme: We must guard against false teaching about sin. 3/05/09 (am) pre-communion service.

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Presentation on theme: "Errors Rebuked and Truth Affirmed 1 John 1:5– 2:2 Theme: We must guard against false teaching about sin. 3/05/09 (am) pre-communion service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Errors Rebuked and Truth Affirmed 1 John 1:5– 2:2 Theme: We must guard against false teaching about sin. 3/05/09 (am) pre-communion service

2 John addresses erroneous teaching in 1:5-2:2. This teaching was probably from the Gnostics. Gnostic teaching is unbiblical. Traces of Gnostic teaching can be found today among professing Christians.

3 Three Gnostic Errors Rebuked John’s method? States the false claim, denies the teaching, states the truth.

4 Error 1—A person can have fellowship with God while his/her life is characterized by unrighteous living (1:6).

5 Gnostics believed that matter was evil and spirit good… …so fellowship with God was not affected by actions… …but if we habitually walk in darkness and claim fellowship with God we lie, cf. 2 Corinthians 6:14.

6 Many today claim fellowship with God but see no need for a second birth nor any need to live a consistent Christian life. John describes such as liars! Cf. 1:6.

7 Only those genuinely walking in the light have fellowship with God, cf. 1:3, 7. Genuine Christians genuinely pursue holiness. Are we?

8 Error 2—A person can be without sin in his/her nature (1:8). Gnostics claimed to be without sin in their nature… …but even Christians struggle with a sinful nature, cf. Galatians 5:17.

9 What are genuine Christians to do? Confess their sins and be cleansed! Cf. 1:9. The faithful and just God will forgive, cf. Romans 3:23-26.

10 Error 3—A person can be free from committing sin (1:10–2:2). Gnostics believed that their superior enlightenment kept them from sinning.

11 Some professing Christians say they have reached sinless perfection… …but this makes God out to be a liar! Cf. 1:10. The Bible teaches that all sin, even Christians, cf. Matt. 6:12; Gal. 5:17; Rom. 3:23; 7:21-24.

12 Christians must remember that Jesus is our Advocate before our Father and He is also the propitiation for our sins.

13 Conclusion Is my profession in harmony with the general conduct of my life? For a Christian it must be! Do I feel I am not sinful? I deceive myself and must confess my sins to the Lord. Do I think I have stopped sinning? I haven't!

14 Let us all keep on examining ourselves in the light of the Biblical teaching on sin.

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