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Connecticut By Connor McCarthy. History Menu Landmarks Symbols Fun & Interesting Facts Famous People Sources Why Should Someone Go To My State?

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Presentation on theme: "Connecticut By Connor McCarthy. History Menu Landmarks Symbols Fun & Interesting Facts Famous People Sources Why Should Someone Go To My State?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecticut By Connor McCarthy

2 History Menu Landmarks Symbols Fun & Interesting Facts Famous People Sources Why Should Someone Go To My State?

3 History Connecticut’s state hood was January 9 th, 1788. It was the 5 th state. It can fit in Alaska 117 times. Connecticut has a population of about 3.3 million people. It has about 658 people per square mile. This is a photo Connecticut’s capitol, Hartford.

4 Famous People Noah Webster was a lexicographer. A lexicographer is a person who makes dictionaries. Mark Twain was a famous writer.

5 Famous People Nathan Hale was a teacher Who became a spy for general George Washington during the Revolutionary war. He was hung by British soldiers in 1776. Israel Putnam was a revolutionary war General.

6 Symbols State Bird: American Robin State Flower: Mountain Laurel State Tree: Charter Oak

7 Symbols Connecticut’s nickname is The Constitution State. The state song is Yankee Doodle. The state folk dance is the Square Dance. The state motto is “He who transplanted still sustains.” This is a picture of the state Seal of Connecticut. It appeared in 1784. This is a picture of Connecticut’s flag. This is a picture of The Eastern Oyster.

8 Symbols This is a picture of the Sperm Whale. It is the state animal. This is a picture of the Praying Mantis. It is Connecticut’s state Insect. This is a picture of the mineral Garnet. It is the state mineral.

9 Landmarks This is a picture of Mark Twain’s house. He was a famous writer. This is a picture of Noah Webster’s house. He was a lexicographer. This is a picture of Nathan Hale’s homestead. Nathan Hale was a famous hero.

10 Landmarks This is a picture of the Whitfield house. This is a picture of the Mystic Seaport in mystic.

11 Fun/Interesting Facts In 2000 the population in Connecticut was 3,405,565. Connecticut ranked 29 th in population among the 50 states. Forests cover more than 60% of Connecticut. The average January temperature is 26 degrees Farenheit.

12 Sources McNair, Sylvia. Connecticut. New York: Children’s Press, 1999 Minch, Edwin W. “Connecticut.” World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book, Inc., 2003 “Connecticut.” Grolier Online Passport. 2005. Online. Available http:// 7 December 2005

13 Why Should Someone Go To My State? You should go to my state because there are a lot of famous peoples house’s to visit. Like Mark Twain’s, Noah Webster’s and more.

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