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Compression and Security of Surveillance Videos Exercise 4 – Line Detection M993010115 陳威佑.

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Presentation on theme: "Compression and Security of Surveillance Videos Exercise 4 – Line Detection M993010115 陳威佑."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compression and Security of Surveillance Videos Exercise 4 – Line Detection M993010115 陳威佑

2  Background  Experiment results Outline

3 Background 256 1. 利用蠻力法對下圖進行直線偵測 2. 利用霍式轉換法對下圖進行直線偵測 256

4  Image: Tile.raw  Number of edge points: 4408  Distance threshold: 0.8  Vote threshold: dis_ep × 1.5 (dis_ep: 兩邊點間距離 )  Number of line: 4182  Time spent: 942 sec Experiment Result( 蠻力法 ) Simulation environment: OS: Windows 7 CPU: Intel® Core™ i5 M 450 @ 2.40GHz RAM: 2 GB

5  Image: Highway.raw  Number of edge points: 2306  Distance threshold: 0.5  Vote threshold: dis_ep × 1 (dis_ep: 兩邊點間距離 )  Number of line: 2366  Time spent: 183 sec Experiment Result( 蠻力法 ) Simulation environment: OS: Windows 7 CPU: Intel® Core™ i5 M 450 @ 2.40GHz RAM: 2 GB

6  Image: Tile.raw  Number of edge points: 3650  Angle increasing step: 1 °  Vote threshold: 160  Number of line: 13  Time spent: 0.549 sec Experiment Result( 霍式 ) Simulation environment: OS: Windows 7 CPU: Intel® Core™ i5 M 450 @ 2.40GHz RAM: 2 GB

7  Image: Highway.raw  Number of edge points: 2306  Angle increasing step: 1 °  Vote threshold: 160  Number of line: 6  Time spent: 0.354 sec Experiment Result( 霍式 ) Simulation environment: OS: Windows 7 CPU: Intel® Core™ i5 M 450 @ 2.40GHz RAM: 2 GB

8 The End

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