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Global Climate Change Fact & Fiction. True - False The “Greenhouse Effect” is GOOD for life on planet Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Climate Change Fact & Fiction. True - False The “Greenhouse Effect” is GOOD for life on planet Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Climate Change Fact & Fiction

2 True - False The “Greenhouse Effect” is GOOD for life on planet Earth

3 Question What exactly are fossil fuels?

4 Word Game Put these words into two appropriate groups: Infrared rays (IR)* Ozone Visible light* CO 2 Ultra-violet* Greenhouse Eff.

5 BIG QUESTION What are the scientific FACTS regarding the Greenhouse Effect/Global Climate change????

6 FACT #1 The Carbon Cycle (See board)  Humans DO engage in activities which affect the atmospherics CO 2 through combustion of Fossil fuels, deforestation, lowering rates of photosynthesis  Not in dispute!!

7 Fact #2 Greenhouse Effect  Verified by: –Actual greenhouses –Hot car/ cold day phenomenon –Greenhouse gasses on Earth and other planets  Not in dispute!!

8 Fact #3 Does life on planet Earth benefit from the GE? Would life on planet Earth benefit from an enhanced GE?

9 Fact #4 IF carbon dioxide levels rise, more heat (IR) will be trapped  Not in dispute!

10 Fact #5 Carbon dioxide levels ARE rising…..  therefore…………..  Not in dispute

11 Hawaii Data: Global CO2 levels!

12 More heat IS being trapped

13 Fact #6 Carbon dioxide is increasing at a RATE higher than any natural cycle ever recorded Current levels of CO 2 are higher than in all of recorded history

14 Long term Ice Core Data

15 Fact #7 Climates are determined by atmospheric and oceanic convection currents  Not in dispute!

16 Fact #8 If you increased the amount of IR (heat) being trapped, you will alter the convection currents  Not in dispute!

17 Uncertainties #1-4 How MUCH will the convection currents be altered? What areas of the globe will be hotter/colder/wetter/drier? How MUCH of the ice sheets will melt? How HIGH will sea level rise due to thermal expansion & melting ice?

18 Fact #9 The global climate IS changing! And this is called the THEORY of Global Climate Change because the evidence is so diverse….. For example, area of Arctic Ice cap:

19 is the increased greenhouse effect; I'd bet the mortgage it Mark Serreze, NSIDC ARCTIC SEA ICE EXTENT - SEPTEMBER TREND, 1978-2005 The area covered by sea ice

20 Data: Changes in Flowering Dates

21 Data: Mismatch of Bird Nesting & Food Availability

22 We have “Early Warning Signs”

23 Uncertainties #5 - 8 What can individuals do? What can our government do? Which actions are BEST to take? What are the consequences of inaction???


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