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Sandusky City Schools’ Transformation Sub-Committee “The Future of School Facilities” Briefing Document for Community Forum.

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Presentation on theme: "Sandusky City Schools’ Transformation Sub-Committee “The Future of School Facilities” Briefing Document for Community Forum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sandusky City Schools’ Transformation Sub-Committee “The Future of School Facilities” Briefing Document for Community Forum

2 Goals and Purpose of this Meeting 1. Goal: To brief the Sandusky community on the status of our school facilities and our partnership with the Ohio School Facilities Commission. 2. Goal: To receive feedback from our parents and citizens about school facilities and document their interest, priorities, and respond to any questions.

3 Purpose This meeting is part of a series of public meetings connected to the Sandusky City Schools’ Transformation Committee. This meeting is only one of several meetings that the Superintendent’s Leadership Team and Board of Education will have with the general community about whether to build, renovate, or update our school facilities to meet the academic and instructional demands for the future of our students and schools.

4 Why are we having this conversation about school facilities at this time? What is the Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC) and what does it have to do with our schools? How will the OSFC work with our schools? Are we required to work with OSFC or do we have other options? What are the key questions we will ask to determine if we want to build new schools, renovate, or leave the school facilities as they currently exist?

5 Answer: The Transformation Plan will be released on March 2014 and will lay out aggressive instructional recommendations for the future of our schools. We will ask parents and citizens if our school facilities are sufficient to meet the demands of our instructional plan. Are we prepared for the future to meet the global academic demands for our students to compete?

6 What Are Other Key Questions We Need to Ask About School Facilities for the Sandusky City Schools?

7 Finances (how much will it cost?) Finances (how much will it cost?) Configuration (how many schools do we need?) Configuration (how many schools do we need?) What happens to Sandusky High School? What happens to Sandusky High School? What about historical buildings? What about historical buildings? Will parents and citizens have input in the decisions? Will parents and citizens have input in the decisions? What is the timeline for the Board to make decisions about school facilities? What is the timeline for the Board to make decisions about school facilities? How can I give my opinion about our schools and what we are doing? How can I give my opinion about our schools and what we are doing?

8 Cost-Sharing with OSFC as Historic Option Cost-Sharing with OSFC as Historic Option Our current cost share is 54/46 Our current cost share is 54/46 (OSFC picks up 54% and Sandusky citizens would pick up 46%) How is this cost-sharing percentage determined and how can it change? How is this cost-sharing percentage determined and how can it change? Is this similar to a home mortgage? Is this similar to a home mortgage? Financing School Facilities In Our District

9 How will we determine how many schools we will need based on our projected enrollment? How will we determine how many schools we will need based on our projected enrollment? What impact will the Pre-K-16 Model impact our facilities decisions? What impact will the Pre-K-16 Model impact our facilities decisions? Is there one-campus proposal that will be considered? Is there one-campus proposal that will be considered? What are the budget implications of rebuilding new versus renovating a building? What are the budget implications of rebuilding new versus renovating a building? School Configuration

10 What are the implications for historic school buildings in the district? What are the implications for historic school buildings in the district? Can we partner with other community groups or agencies regarding the potential use of buildings in the district? Can we partner with other community groups or agencies regarding the potential use of buildings in the district? Is there a role for Historical groups and agencies in a potential building program in the district? Is there a role for Historical groups and agencies in a potential building program in the district? Historic Buildings

11 Locally Funded Initiative (LFI): This is any portion of a project that is solely funded by the district as an addition to the master plan. The OSFC will work with the district to integrate LFIs into the overall master plan but will not share the cost of the additional items. 2/3 Guideline: The guideline that sets the replace versus renovate standard for school facilities at two thirds of the cost of a new building. 350 Rule: A provision of the Ohio Revised Code requiring a minimum of 350 students in any building co-funded by the OSFC. The commission may grant waivers to this requirement under certain circumstances. KEY TERMS FOR OUR FACILITIES CONVERSATION

12 Cafetorium: A space that combines the eating and performance areas of a building. These spaces have flat floors. Maintenance Plan: A comprehensive plan for the long- term care and upkeep of every building in the school district. This is a requirement for all districts participating in OSFC programs. Ohio School Design Manual (OSDM): An extensive document that sets construction standards for all OSFC projects to ensure statewide equity and quality for school facilities. KEY TERMS FOR OUR FACILITIES CONVERSATION

13 Transformation Committee Pillars and Sub- Committee Meetings Transformation Committee Pillars and Sub- Committee Meetings Community Forums Community Forums Placards at Each School Placards at Each School Suggestion Box at Each School Suggestion Box at Each School 24 Hour Email and Phone Response 24 Hour Email and Phone Response Talk to Building Principals Talk to Building Principals Email the CEO Directly Email the CEO Directly Parents and Citizens Participation Opportunities

14 Board Passed Resolution to Initiate Relationship with OSFC Additional Community Engagement and Stakeholder Investment Meetings Decision Based on Outcome of Recommendations from the Transformation Plan If Positive Feedback, Potential Resolution in June or July 2014 Ballot Initiatives as Early as November 2014 Architects, Engineers, Building Planning Teams Lots of Parent/Community Input Timeline on School Facilities

15 We value your ideas… ASKDRSANDERS@SCS-K12.NET

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