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Improving health and tackling inequalities through Partnership Trish Crowson Platform Director Hosted by.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving health and tackling inequalities through Partnership Trish Crowson Platform Director Hosted by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving health and tackling inequalities through Partnership Trish Crowson Platform Director Hosted by

2 Who we are A collective of organisations from private, public & voluntary sectors working together as a movement to create change Our members are from…. large and small organisations and a range of sectors, including manufacturing, retail, distribution, energy providers, voluntary and community groups, health and wellbeing service commissioners & providers.

3 What we want to change Overweight is the norm Britain has the highest rates of obesity in Europe Women in the East Midlands have higher rates of obesity than England average Obesity levels for children doubled between ages 4-5 and 10-11 years Obesity increases the risk of a range of chronic diseases and reduces life expectancy by 9 years If current trends continue, 9 out of 10 adults in the UK will be overweight or obese by 2050 Food related ill health/poor diets cost the NHS £6bn a year 6 out of 10 men & 7 out of 10 women are not active enough to benefit their health On average each employee has 7.7 days off work due to sickness– costing around £693 for each employee per year Inequalities – groups most effected

4 The Shape of things to come? It is likely that by 2025 40% of adults will be obese, and the number of people living and working with chronic conditions will rise steadily, affecting morale, competitiveness, profitability. In an increasingly competitive global economy, only the healthiest businesses will prosper. Companies that invest to support employees’ health will be fitter to survive Retire at 68? Three-quarters of us will be too ill to even work that long... February 11, 2010

5 Our aim is…… To reduce obesity and improve health and wellbeing of communities through the commitments and actions of our members working together Members commitments take action to : Improve food & nutrition - to help people eat a better diet To increase physical activity – to help people move more To help and support people to engage in behaviours good for health Focus action on improving health at work or in a community Where appropriate address health inequalities

6 Foresight Report

7 INFLUENCE INTEREST x Health Service x Academics x food producers x food industry x food retailers x caterers x planners x Treasury x media x Voluntary groups x transport planners x Sports industry x Local Government x employers x advertisers Influence versus interest to achieve healthy weight

8 Social Model of Health – Dahlgren & Whitehead Social Ecological Theory Agriculture and food production Education Work environment Living and working conditions Unemployment Water & sanitation Health care services Housing Age, sex and constitutional factors




12 Health inequalities

13 Deprivation - comparisons

14 What we are doing: Members commitments – examples Joint work – new commitments Finding out what works Sharing and supporting each other

15 How we connect…. Responsibility Deal Behaviour Change Big Society Health, Wellbeing and Work Public Health White Paper

16 Levels or intervention

17 What you can do Group Activity Developing a commitment within Your sphere of influence: What would be your priorities? How do you decide? What can local authorities do? Who can you partner with? What difference can you make? How will you measure it?

18 Join us? What could you do? Health of your staff Wellbeing of your communities e.g Planning Fast food exclusion zones, ‘active’ planning Policy – Funding & contracting – your criteria, Food provision, active staff Benefits: Healthier, happier, more productive, role models Adding years to life and life to years

19 For more information or to join Web: Tel: 01664 502 or Mobile: 07930 386

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