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Improving Lives; Saving Lives Pledges for a better east of England NHS Public Consultation.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Lives; Saving Lives Pledges for a better east of England NHS Public Consultation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Lives; Saving Lives Pledges for a better east of England NHS Public Consultation

2 The NHS in the east of England 109,000 NHS staff £7.1bn budget 7.5% of regional economy 40 organisations 3,700 GPs Serving 5.4 m people


4 The NHS in the east of England Debt free in 2007/8 An extra £660m in funding 10,000 more consultants, nurses, GPs and dentists since 1997 5% fewer managers since 2006 0.1% of patients waiting 11 weeks + 22% fall in MRSA rates; 3rd best region 2nd best region for - 18 week diagnostics; - 48 hours access to GUM clinics; - 4 hour wait for A&E

5 But we want to be more ambitious………

6 One overall vision We will be the best health service in England One clear objective We will add 5 million years of life to people in the East of England by 2011

7 The Pledges Delivering a better patient experience 1.We will deliver year on year improvements in patient satisfaction 2.We will extend quicker access to our services 3.We will make it easier to see a GP at a more convenient time 4.We will ensure NHS dentistry is available to all who want it

8 5.We will ensure fewer people suffer from, or die from heart disease, stroke and cancer 6.We will aim to make our healthcare system the safest in England 7.We will improve the lives of those with long term illnesses The Pledges Improving people’s health

9 8.We will ensure healthcare is as available to marginalised groups and ‘looked after children’ as it is to the rest of us 9.We will halve the difference in life expectancy between the poorest 20% of our communities and the rest of the east of England 10.We will cut the number of smokers by 140,000 11.We will halt the rise of obese children and then seek to reduce it The Pledges Reducing unfairness in health

10 The Pledges A pledge for staff We are asking you to write this pledge

11 A two way street Responsibility from individuals eat healthily exercise seek stop smoking support use or cancel appointments follow the complete course of medicines use 999 for emergencies only keep staff safe from attacks and abuse

12 promote sustainability promote use of local suppliers prioritise the health of our staff Our role in the region

13 The consultation 12 weeks until 30 November Documents available on Write to: Improving Lives; Saving Lives NHS East of England FREEPOST Victoria House Capital Park Fulbourn Cambridgeshire CB21 5XB

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