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You and your body Healthy Eating Episodes 1 and 2 Next.

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Presentation on theme: "You and your body Healthy Eating Episodes 1 and 2 Next."— Presentation transcript:

1 You and your body Healthy Eating Episodes 1 and 2 Next

2 Settler Come in quickly and quietly. Sit down in your seating plan.
Start your word search activity straight away in. Work in silence while I take the register and hand out the extension. Some music while you work?…….

3 WALTs What is in our food? What do we need our food for?

4 Starter There are 7 main food groups: Carbohydrates Proteins
Fats (lipids) Vitamins Minerals Water Fibre On your mini white boards write the name of the group that is represented by the following pictures. Allow students to read/talk about in pairs the front cover and book Share ideas with class Do they recognise the ‘chalkboard’ background?? Back Next

5 Protein -

6 Water -

7 Fats and oils -

8 Minerals -

9 Carbohydrates –

10 Fibre -

11 Vitamins -

12 Main 1 – top trumps Play nutrition top trumps to remind you of the 7 main food groups and allow you to work out what foods are rich in these food groups. Countdown

13 Main 2–What are they for? Read the comprehension activity about what the food groups and write one sentence about what we need each group for. Countdown

14 Main 3 – card sort Discuss the cards in your groups and match the Countdown food groups to the foods that are rich in them and to the use that they have in your body

15 Plenary Needed to make new cells for growth and repair.
Take out your mini white boards. Each description is one of the seven food groups. Can you guess the correct one and write it on your board. Needed to make new cells for growth and repair. Needed for energy. Needed for energy and insulation Needed to keep us healthy. Needed for all the chemical reactions in our bodies. Needed to keep food moving through your digestive system to keep your digestive system healthy.

16 WALT Evaluation …or in between…

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