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Aquatic Macroinvertebrates

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1 Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
And their role in Biomonitoring

2 Aquatic Macroinvertebrates and Biomonitoring
Introduction/definitions Types/Uses of biomonitoring +/- of using macroinvertebrates History Focus on EPA Rapid Bioassessment Protocols Iowa’s Biological Assessment Program

3 Introduction: Biomonitoring- an evaluation of the condition of a water body using biological surveys and other direct measurements of the resident biota in surface waters. Benthic macroinvertebrates- organisms that inhabit bottom substrates for at least part of their life cycle and are retained by a 200µm to 500µm mesh.

4 Introduction (cont’d):
Metric- quantifiable attribute of aquatic community that is ecologically relevant and responds predictably along a disturbance gradient Biocriteria- numerical measurements or narrative expressions that describe the reference biological condition of aquatic communities inhabiting waters of a given designated aquatic life use (EPA 1996)

5 Types of Biomonitoring Studies
Organism level Biochemical Physiological Morphological Behavioral Life History Bioaccumulation Population Biotic Indices Multivariate analysis

6 Types of Biomonitoring Studies (ctd)
Community Level Taxa richness Enumeration Diversity Indices Similarity Indices Biotic Indices FFG measures Combinations Ecosystem Level Structure of food webs Productivity Decomposition Chemical cycling

7 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Biotic Index Uses
Type 1 – Surveillance Surveys before & after; determine effects of project or action Project built Toxicant released Type 2- Compliance Regular sampling or toxicity testing to assure compliance with mandated standards Test effluents Ensure water meets water quality standards

8 Advantages of BMIs Ubiquitous (all habitats)
Large # of species (allow wide spectrum of responses) Sedentary (allows spatial analysis) Life cycle long enough (to see temporal changes) Sampling/analysis relatively inexpensive Taxonomy of many groups well known (keys) Methods of data analysis (biotic/diversity indices) Responses of common species known

9 Disadvantages of BMIs Response to some stressors inadequate
Natural conditions, current & substrate affect distribution and abundance Seasonal variations in diversity & abundance create problems (data comparison) Sample processing & ID can be costly and time consuming

10 History Europe 1st indicator organisms Kolkwitz & Marsonn 1908
Saprobity – organic pollution reduces DO and restricts taxa Lake classification systems Thienemann 1925 benthos – oligotrophic/eutrophic

11 Classification of Dutch Waters
Saprobity Classification Indicator Organisms I Oligosaprobic Clean water org Trich/Plecoptera II Beta-mesosaprobic Pollution tolerant; No dominance by Chironomus/Tubifex III Alpha-mesosaprobic Tolerant: Chironomus, Tubifex, Asellus, Erpobdella IV Polysaprobic Only Eristalis, Tubifex, Chironomus

12 History (cont’d) Europe (cont’d)
Diversity indices developed ( ) “Score systems” – indicator concepts with diversity (1980s) BMWP- binary system, family level (Siphlonuridae=10, Chironomidae=2) Sum of scores of individual families gives site score

13 EPT Tolerance Values Family (Species range) Ephemerellidae 1 (0-2)
Taeniopterygidae 2 (2-3) Rhyacophilidae 0 (0-1) Leptophlebiidae 2 (1-6) Brachycentridae Capniidae 1 (1-3) 1 (0-2) Isonychiidae 2 (2-2) Limnephilidae Baetiscidae 3 Leuctridae 0 (0-0) 4 (0-4) Heptageniidae 4 (0-7) Hydropsychidae Perlidae 1 (0-4) 4 (0-6) Caenidae 7 (3-7)

14 Other taxa tolerance values, Family (species)
Elmidae 4 (2-6) Corydalidae 0 (4) Psephenidae 4 (4-5) Gomphidae 1 (1-5) Tipulidae 3 (2-7) Aeshnidae 3 (2-6) Chironomidae Tanypodinae (4-10) Podonominae (1-8) Calopterygidae 5 (5-6) Simulidae 6 (1-7) From: Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Freshwaters- Taxa Tolerance Values, Metric and Protocols (Mandaville 2002)

15 History North America little acceptance for these ideas
European indicator species not applicable NA’s problems were toxic not organics NA biologists were skeptical of indicator species concept

16 History North America S.A. Forbes 1870s benthic fauna indicator species Ruth Patrick 1948 community indicator groups Eastern stream surveys of diatoms MacArthur & Wilson 1967 dynamic community concept, continual local immigration & extinction Equilibrium and diversity indices 1970s Hurbert 1971 questioned the relationship between diversity and system stability

17 History N. America (cont’d) Energetics, RCC, Vannote 1980
Development of Ecoregion concept 1987 Reference site idea Karr 1986 Ohio EPA 1987 Invertebrate Community Index Karr 1986 Index of Biotic Integrity EPA Rapid Assessment Protocols

18 Invertebrate Community Index (ICI) Ohio EPA 1987
Sum of 10 measures Ohio 232 reference sites over 5 ecoregions Scored according to drainage area # of taxa (species) # of Ephemeroptera # of Trichoptera # of Diptera % of Ephemeroptera % of Trichoptera % of Chironomidae (Tanytarsini) % of other dips & non-insects % of tolerant organisms (list) # of EPT taxa

19 IBI values in references sites within ecoregions of Ohio.

20 Response of Benthic macroinvertebrates to various impacts, Ohio ICI data

21 Spatial and temporal changes trends in ICI, Scioto River, Ohio.
The Warm Water Habitat (WWH) and Exceptional Warm Water Habitat (EWH) biological thresholds are given for each index. Spatial and temporal changes trends in ICI, Scioto River, Ohio.

22 Figure 9-8. Discriminatory power analysis of the Wyoming Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity. The population of stressed sites was determined a priori. The 25th percentile of the reference distribution determined the threshold, or separation between "good" and "fair" condition ratings. All other condition ratings resulted from equidistant sectioning of the remaining index range. The shaded region represents the 90% confidence limits around a single observation (no replication) falling near the critical threshold.

23 J.R. Karr First developed biotic index for fish
Became multi-metric index IBIs are now used world-wide Must be regionally calibrated with reference sites He is currently developing an IBI for terrestrial habitats ISU alumni, BS Fish & Wildlife Biology

24 Biological Integrity “the capability of supporting and maintaining a balanced, integrated, adaptive community of organisms having a composition, diversity and functional organization comparable to that of natural habitats of the region” (Karr and Dudley 1981)

25 The Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) is useful because…
It is an ensemble of biological information It objectively defines benchmark conditions It can assess change due to human causes It uses standardized methods It scores sites numerically, describes narratively It defines multiple condition classes It has a strong theoretical basis It does not require fine resolution of taxa (Karr, ISU seminar)

26 EPA Rapid Assessment Protocols
Cost effective, rapid, understandable, benign Integrated assessment of habitat, water quality and biological measures (periphyton, macroinvertebrates, fish) with defined reference conditions Developed standard sampling, data analysis and reporting protocols Use as a tool for states

27 Iowa’s Biological Assessment Program
Initial Phase Protocols Assessment

28 Why Biological Assessment? Iowa’s Reasons
Accurate and cost-effective Federal Clean Water Act goals and requirements Inventory biological resources

29 Biological Assessment
An evaluation of the biological condition of a stream using information obtained by sampling the resident aquatic community. Three-step process: 1. Sample aquatic organisms 2. Summarize data using biological indices 3. Compare to reference streams

30 Iowa BM Sampling Protocol
July 15-Oct 15 Stream flow near base flow levels Benthic habitat inventory Stream reach m (2 riffle/pool, 2 bends)

31 IA Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling Standard-Habitat Samples
Semi-quantitative 3x Rock or wood in flowing water (Hess or Surber sampler) Or 3x Multi-plate artificial substrates (4-6 week colonization)

32 IA Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling Multi-Habitat Samples
Qualitative Data 3x Multi-habitat (hand-picking from all available habitats, 1.5 hours, target 150 organisms)

33 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Metrics. 
1. Total Number of Taxa (genus or species) 2. Number of Ephemeroptera/Plecoptera/Trichoptera (EPT) Taxa 3. Number of Sensitive Taxa 4. % Mayfly Taxa 5. % EPT Taxa 6. % Chironomidae Taxa 7. % Scraper Organisms 8. % 3-Dominant Taxa 9.  % Dominant Functional Feeding Group 10. Modified-Hilsenhoff Biotic Index



36 Stream Benthic Macroinvertebrates: Standard-Habitat Samples, ‘94-’98

37 Aquatic Life Use Attainment Determined from ‘94-’98 Biological Assessments (149 Stream Sites)

38 Everyone’s Doing It!

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