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Background The British living in the Boer area are taxed more heavily and they get mad. The Boers and British wind up fighting each other in the Boer.

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2 Background The British living in the Boer area are taxed more heavily and they get mad. The Boers and British wind up fighting each other in the Boer War (1899-1902) The Dutch use guerilla warfare against the stronger British army. The Dutch succeed at first, so the British take the Dutch women and children and put them in concentration camps as a way of weakening their desire to fight. The British win the war against the Dutch. The British also fight the Zulus and lose several battles to the well-trained Zulus but in the end they win.

3 Timeline: Notable Events 1815: Great Britain claims South Africa as a colony. 1816: Shaka Zulu creates a large centralized Zulu state. 1838: Boer and Zulus begin fighting 1860s: Diamonds are discovered 1880s: Gold is discovered Beginning of 1879: Zulu win a battle against the British. July 1879: British win the war over the Zulu. and lose their kingdom. 1899-1902: Boer War 1800s1900s

4 Government The South African government is one government for the whole country. The government is democratically elected but the Zulus don’t get to vote. In 1910, the British give South Africa its independence, but the country stays closely tied to Britain and continues its practice of not allowing blacks to vote until 1994.

5 Social English and Afrikaan (the language spoken by the Boers) are the languages of South Africa. Blacks are forced to live in segregated areas, known as “townships”. If blacks are caught outside of their township they have to show a pass card that gives them permission to be in the area (usually because they work in that area).

6 Economic The profits from the gold and diamonds are shared by the Dutch and the British in the country but not the Zulus. Zulus wind up working the hard jobs in the mines and being kept poor. Because the whites are a minority of the country they keep control by limiting the wealth and the rights of the black South Africans under a system known as apartheid. This system lasts until 1994.

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