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Chapter 10: Caribbean South America. Section 1: Physical Geography  Andes Mountains  Cordillera (Mountain range made up of parallel ranges)  Guiana.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10: Caribbean South America. Section 1: Physical Geography  Andes Mountains  Cordillera (Mountain range made up of parallel ranges)  Guiana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10: Caribbean South America

2 Section 1: Physical Geography  Andes Mountains  Cordillera (Mountain range made up of parallel ranges)  Guiana Highland  erosion  Orinoco Highlands  Orinoco River  1,281 feet




6 Climate and Vegetation

7 Resources  Oil  Iron  Bauxite  Timber  Shrimp  Power

8 Colombia  Early History  Chibcha  Pottery, gold  Spanish Conquest  1500  Conquered Chibcha  Forced Natives and Africans to be slaves  Independence  Republic of Gran Colombia  Battle between church and state  Regional conflict

9 Colombia Today  Most Populous country  Economy  Soil-coffee  Oil  Extreme poverty  Culture  People identified by location  Border disputes with Venezuela


11 Venezuela  Early History  Spanish  Indigo used to make dye  Independence  Poverty made people mad  Simon Bolivar  Oil  80% of people live in poverty

12 Venezuela Today  Economy  Oil  Electricity  Agriculture  Cattle ranches  Family Farms  Culture  Pardos (African, European, Native)  25 different languages

13 The Guianas  European Settlement  Spain was first  Lost land to British, French, Dutch  Used slaves  Asian Workers  Slavery made illegal in 1800s  Indentured Servants from Asia

14 The Guianas Today  Guyana  Agriculture  Population= ½ south asian 1/3 African  French Guiana  Represented in French government  Forestry and Shrimp  Suriname  Aluminum  Very diverse people

15 Homework  Page 207 # 5  Page 209 Map Activity

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