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Having a healthy immune system (7-1)

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1 Having a healthy immune system (7-1)
Microorganisms Through broken skin, mouth or nose Generally enters through your nose or mouth Mucous cells Monocytes Shapeless blobs Serves as a barrier that prevents pathogenic organisms from entering the body. 9. Both are ‘cell eaters’ or phagocytes and they are the first white blood cells to defend the body.

2 White blood cells – 7.2 C D E B A Through broken skin, Nose and mouth Leucocytes Phagocytosis Erythrocytes, Monocytes Basophils Eosinophils Each move by pushing out a jelly-like arm and pulling the rest of the body towards it

3 8. Leucocyte surrounds a foreign invader with jelly-like
arms and eats it. 9. Food contains bacteria, viruses and other foreign invaders and the eating conditions may not be sanitary. There are more invaders after a meal which require more white blood cells.

4 Lymphocytes – 7.8 Surrounds and eats Fragments Membrane Key, Lymphocyte Recognition sites Lock Viral 3 Yes C Yes, you can see the capsule fragments No, there are no broken capsule fragments

5 T-8 Lymphocytes (7.11) Cell Virus Cytotoxic killer cells, Suppressor cells They use poison to destroy cells that have already been Invaded by viruses 5. Release chemicals that signals the T4 lymphocytes to stop producing interleukin-2. 6. This part of the immune system has the ability to destroy viral factories (cells that have already been invaded by a virus) 7. A newborn has not yet established an immune system. The presence of a large thymus gland enables him to produce more T4 and T8 lymphocytes

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