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1 CUWiN & Informatics: Early ideas October 1, 2009.

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1 1 CUWiN & Informatics: Early ideas October 1, 2009

2 2 1. What is Community Informatics CI: the study or practice regarding the continuity of local, historical communities meeting the transformation of information technologies Libraries by reinventing themselves (I&R, job centers, OPACs) invented community networks (made of silicon- plus-carbon) From social informatics comes three key ideas: network society, hacker ethic, and digital divide …the LOCAL community is the central focus here

3 3 2. Community: ‘Race’, place and history 1.Science says, One race, the human race. Our species has always migrated, our differences are within group not between group. No one trait is found across a group. 2.Racism is real … What to do? Stay educated (on past, present, future) … Practice diversity in curriculum, profession, library 3.Class: an emergent phenomenon, as well as a categorical or positional reality, thanks to techno-economic changes 4.Root Shock: Severing people’s connections to places. “The traumatic stress reaction to destruction of one’s emotional ecosystem.” Mass upheavals have ripple effect. Solution: Acknowledge. Create healing places. Displacement the 21 st C problem. 5.‘Damned by ourselves, saved by community.’

4 4 3. Dig Div, Community as network 1.Dig Div: a fxn of the information revolution. Persistent, multidimensional & changing. CI solutions mean a) communities not individuals b) seeking sustainability 2.Society ≠ Individuals … Society = Ties ! 3.Wellman/Leighton: Urbanization brings… Community found/strong nhood networks? Community lost/no networks? Community liberated/metropolitan networks? [Q: where do space and time go in SN theory?] 4.Coleman: Closed networks build social capital So do open networks! e.g. Murchison Center

5 5 groups as nodes strong & weak ties… dense and sparse networks 3a. Network models

6 6 4. UC2B UC2B: 36 million in stimulus/other funds. 2 cities + univ. Fiber laid across cities, 100 Mbps to 137 critical anchor institutions, 5 Mbps to 2500+ homes in 12 low- broadband census tracts. Above ground, support for broadband adoption. UC2B Above Ground, 3+ years, guided by GSLIS: 1.45 + 1 public computing centers boosted or established 2.Mad Lab in N Champaign (Music Access Digitization), HQ for community helpdesk, 14 outreach/support staff 3.17 cybernavigators serving 46 ctrs + 12 sectors serving low income people (health, ed, libs, homeless, seniors, women, disabled, safety, churches, comm ctrs, media/culture) 4.Three course sequence for 50 UI/Parkland/high school students, public video Broadband 101 spring: what’s it all about Broadband 102 summer: paid broadband internships Broadband 103 fall: community-serving bband entrepreneurship, $50K in awards 5.UC2B’s community helpdesk 6.Community advisory committee, research advisory committee, PCCNet 7.Community first, technology second (CI approach) Similarly nationwide 2010-2012; nat’l bband plan by Feb 2010;

7 7 4a. Community and disaster: recap to come Link to entire UC2B application on City of Champaign site:

8 8 5. Search for bband data, and virtual community BTOP grant specs released within weeks of due date … had to prove “underserved,” but how? … ATLAS stepped forward, led community survey … 40+ helped … 4 day campaign for numbers proved 12 census block groups eligible … will AT&T challenge? Find out next month… From the bbs: The curse of grants and the challenge of inequality and difference WELL: report from the info rev: virtual comm is possible, personal, gotta feel it –Virtual community as family & friend support network stands on and builds FTF Wikipedia: social norms and technical design enable virtual community growth from 200 to 200,000 people … to … build an encyclopedia!?! –A culture e.g. simple rules for people like “Be Bold,” “NPOV” “Nice to newbies” “sofixit” –A technology e.g. software features like talk page … history … translation –What should people know about Wikipedia? [commons based peer production, –What can we learn for real-world communities? crowdsourcing] PS: comm (Spaniards walk & WELLites share vs SN sites as corporations)

9 9 5. Search for bband data, and virtual community A campaign: campus mobilized, structured reachout to community, 40 volunteers Navigating the complexities of the grant competition Found higher rate of broadband take-up  12 block groups eligible community  campus  /  corporations (telecoms) From the bbs: The curse of grants and the challenge of inequality and difference WELL: report from the info rev: virtual comm is possible, personal, gotta feel it –Virtual community as family & friend support network stands on and builds FTF Wikipedia: social norms and technical design enable virtual community growth from 200 to 200,000 people … to … build an encyclopedia!?! –A culture e.g. simple rules for people like “Be Bold,” “NPOV” “Nice to newbies” “sofixit” –A technology e.g. software features like talk page … history … translation –What should people know about Wikipedia? [commons based peer production, –What can we learn for real-world communities? crowdsourcing] PS: comm (Spaniards walk & WELLites share vs SN sites as corporations)

10 10 Agenda ‘judy olson time managenment.ppt’ online Working the class/Making the class work for you –Writing? Now … theory, ideas, discussion –The curse of grants –The challenge of community organization / turtle metaphor Computer Learning Month / how does it look? Informatics: Early ideas –Bush –Kling –Mitchell

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