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© 2009 UNDP. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Proprietary and Confidential. Not For Distribution Without Prior Written Permission. Supporting Adaptation.

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1 © 2009 UNDP. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Proprietary and Confidential. Not For Distribution Without Prior Written Permission. Supporting Adaptation To Climate Change Pradeep Kurukulasuriya Energy and Environment Group Bureau of Development Policy United Nations Development Programme New York

2 1 UNDP and Climate Change Adaptation Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at risk. UNDP’s goal: to align human development and climate change risk management efforts Integrate climate change risks into national planning and poverty reduction UN system-wide support at the national level (UN Country Teams) Leveraging UNDP’s core practices, democratic governance, poverty reduction, disaster risk management & prevention, and environment and energy (cross cutting) UNDP takes a capacity development approach, while also incorporating cross- cutting themes such as gender and financing

3 2 Integrate climate change into UN and UNDP development assistance at the global, regional and national levels 4 Support the design of integrated climate change policies, strategies and quantified actions plans 1 Promote early adaptation actions and long-term adaptive capacity of developing countries 2 Attract and drive direct private and public investment towards lower carbon technologies and sustainable land use practices 3 UNDP’s Strategy Plan 2008-2011 adopted as programming core: ‘the promotion of adaptation to climate change’ UNDP’s Climate Change Strategy’s GOAL has 4 pillars:

4 3 UNDP Niche in Programming on Adaptation 1. Institutional frameworks on climate change risks/opportunities in place 2. Climate-resilient policies/measures implemented 4. Knowledge on how to incorporate climate change risks/opportunities shared 3.Financing options to meet national adaptation costs expanded Institutional systems Cross-sectoral coordination Partnerships UN System Planning & Policy development Demonstration projects Pre-investment studies Budgetary processes Accessing financing Communities of Practice Global network of country offices Knowledge platforms to accelerate learning Developing National and Sub-National Adaptive Capacity to Manage CC Uncertainty

5 4 Supporting Countries with Multiple Sources of Finance and more…..

6 5 GEF Related Initiatives National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA) Funding: US$6M Source of Funds: Global Environment Facility Countries: global - LDC countries UNDP supports 31 LDCs in preparation of their NAPA National Communications (NC) Funding: US$ 420,00 per country, jointly managed by UNDP and UNEP Source of Funds: Global Environment Facility The UNDP-UNEP-GEF National Communications Support Programme (NCSP) provides support to the 101 Non-Annex I countries that have submitted their First or Second National Communications National Capacity Self Assessments (NCSA) Funding: US$ 200,000 per country Source of Funds: Global Environment Facility Countries: global UNDP supports 116 countries engaged in the NCSA Programme

7 6 Capacity Development for Policymakers to Address Climate Change Funding: US$ 7M Source of Funds: Governments of Norway, Finland, and Switzerland, United Nations Foundation, and UNDP Countries: Algeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Gambia, Honduras, Liberia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Namibia, Paraguay, Peru, St Lucia, Togo, Turkmenistan, and Uruguay I nter-Ministerial discussions on Bali Road Map and assessments of investments and financial flows for key sectors Leverages work undertaken in National Communications and National Adaptation Programmes of Action LAC region add-on: post-2012 preparation activities (Spain: $2.4 M) Non-GEF Related Intiatives

8 7 Number of countries selecting sector for an I&FF assessment for adaptation

9 8 UNDP Supports 70 Adaptation Projects in 66 Countries Approximately 70% of total portfolio is in Africa GEF/SCCF GEF/LDCF GEF/SPA

10 9 Amount spent on each sector ($US M) Sectors covered in UNDP’s Portfolio GEF Resources & Co-Financing Leveraged

11 10 Fast Facts $4.5m – GEF/SPA: $4.5 Co-financing Target ($2.8 secured in under 12 months) Implementation in 9 Countries underway. 34 projects currently under implementation and preparation. Grants provided up to $50K Target of 50 CBA Projects by end of 2009. More in 2010. Community-Based Adaptation Bolivia: Climate-resilient watershed management Samoa: Addressing climate-driven coastal hazards (erosion and stronger storms) Niger: Protecting resources and optimizing resource cooperation in response to climate change Kazakhstan: Piloting winter irrigation to replace declining snowfall

12 11 UNDP/GEF Adaptation Learning Mechanism knowledge-sharing platform on integrating adaptation into climate change into development planning Provide practical guidance and tools to meet stakeholders’ needs 11 Outcomes 1. Adaptation practices – what can be done to adapt to climate change on the ground? 2. Integration of climate change risks and adaptation into development policy, planning and operations – how can policies and plans support adaptation over time? 3. Capacity building – how can people be better assisted in becoming equipped for adapting to climate change?

13 12 MDG Achievement Fund Funding: US$ 22M (for adaptation) Source of Funds: Government of Spain Countries with adaptation components: China, Colombia, Egypt, Guatemala, Jordan, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Turkey Climate Change and Development – Adapting by Reducing Vulnerability, CC-DARE Funding: US$9M (Grants: US$0.150M per country Technical Services: US$0.150M per country) Source of Funds: Government of Denmark Countries: 42 countries in sub-Saharan Africa In partnership with UNEP (lead agency)

14 13 PILLAR 4 - Integrate climate change into UN and UNDP development assistance at the global, regional and national levels UNDP supports multiple initiatives to assist countries in planning adaptation through development UNDP co-chairs (with UNEP) the UNDG Task Team on Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Developing guidance for mainstreaming climate change into UNDAF Partnerships within UNDP and across UN agencies to enhance coordination and information sharing Environment & Energy Group and Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery Developed detailed inventory of climate change projects with CEB Climate Change Web Training Module launched for all UNDP Country Offices in English, French and Spanish Collaborating with UNITAR, UNEP, and the World Bank on a One-UN Training Service Platform for Climate Change

15 14 Resources developed by UNDP to support adaptation programming Country Adaptation Profiles Guidelines for developing adaptation programmes Thematic Areas Papers on Adaptation Programming Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Adaptation The Adaptation Policy Framework (APF) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Approach to Adaptation. Adaptation resource library Regional workshops on technical and policy issues Virtual Development Academy Environment and Energy Network (EE-NET)

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