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CONFIRMATION AND CLEARING 2015 ENTRY Year 13 Higher Education.

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Presentation on theme: "CONFIRMATION AND CLEARING 2015 ENTRY Year 13 Higher Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONFIRMATION AND CLEARING 2015 ENTRY Year 13 Higher Education

2 Contents  Results Day  Confirmation and Clearing: UCAS process  Interim Actions

3 Results Day  Thursday 13 th August  Make sure that you are at Stamford School at 8.30 am to collect your results in the Hall.

4 Protocol  A Level Results: Venue Stamford School Hall.  8.30 am collect results.  Individual envelopes: results and Headmaster’s letter.  Photos (A*s and AAAs): Brazenose lawn at 9.30 am.  Senior Staff will be present all day at school.

5 Issues  Places versus not placed  Re-marks *  Paper returns – see accessing scripts*  Advice – Mrs. D Beckingham  * Students MUST liaise with the Head of Department and gain their approval, before contacting Mrs. Chin or Mrs. Kirby about re-marks and access to scripts. If you wish to have a re-mark you MUST complete a form to state that you are aware of the cost that this will incur and that this will be added to your school bill.

6 Re-marking and accessing scripts  If a place in HE for the current year is dependent upon a result, and if you are a few UMS short of that grade (5 UMS), then you should ask for a priority re-mark. This means that you do not access the script and the process is more expedient and the HE institution will be informed, if the grade changes. Note re-marks can go down as well as up but you will not be charged if the grade goes up as a result of the re-mark.  If you are not entering HE in Autumn 2015, and you are a few UMS down, then you can request a photocopy of the script and ‘see’ where you went wrong. If there is cause, then ask for a non- priority re-mark.  If you wish to re-take in the next summer exam season, then accessing the original script could aid your preparation.

7 The UCAS Confirmation Process  Institutions compare students’ achievements with the conditions offered.  They make a final decision – “confirm” an offer or not (Monday of the Results week) BUT nothing will be posted publicly until the Thursday.  Most results are supplied to UCAS for transmission to institutions: also placed on UCAS website.

8 Certification and the availability of resits Certification  Students can re-take units and the unit scores can be re-aggregated and a new award made, but this will be added to the student's record and will not replace the earlier award on their record.

9 Certification and the availability of resits Resits  June 2016 – opportunity to re-sit A2 papers. (Note: if coursework is linked to the unit, you should confirm that its mark can be carried forward).

10 New rules on accepting students in August due to changes in government funding for universities  Student number controls have been abolished in the UK which means that individual universities can recruit as many students as they need.

11 The UCAS Confirmation Process  CF (Confirmation Firm- First choice) applicants who meet their conditions will be placed.  CF applicants not confirmed will be placed at their CI choice (Confirmation Insurance – Second choice) (if they have one) and have met the CI conditions.  Applicants that request or appeal against their exam module grades MUST notify their CF/CI institution to state that a possible change of grade may occur. However, institutions are under no obligation to agree to wait for a re-mark or an appeal. Applicants are advised to ask the institutions if they are able to hold the offer open until the priority re-mark comes back.

12 The UCAS Confirmation Process  Placed applicants: You will receive a Confirmation letter in the post or e-mail. If you prefer to keep your firm choice offer you should follow the instructions on the letter/e-mail. This letter/e-mail confirms that you will be attending the university or college and will explain whether there is anything you need to do at that present time. Once you receive this letter/e-mail you will be pleased to know that you have officially gained a place. The university or college will contact you with any further information.

13 Letter from UCAS  The letter from UCAS advises applicants on the action the institution wants them to take.  This could be to contact the institution by-  Letter  E-mail  Telephone  There may be other actions required by the institute so read the letter carefully.

14 UCAS Confirmation Process  Some applicants are confirmed even if they have not met the conditions offered.  There is a possibility of changed course offers for applicants who have not met the conditions.  Applicants who are offered a change of course have the opportunity to turn it down. Students will have five days after receiving the offer to reply; if you do not then it will be declined automatically.  Unsuccessful applicants will automatically become eligible for UCAS Clearing.

15 Achievement of higher grades  In a small number of cases applicants that achieve better results than required for their firm offer, that they have been accepted on, may want to reconsider their choice. Applicants who have achieved better results than required for the offer will, for a short time (five calendar days), be able to look for an alternative course that has places available whilst still holding their original choice. Full details of this can be located on the UCAS website under the title Termed Adjustment  This procedure is for UCAS applicants only  Students MUST seek GPB or DRB for advice before taking this route.

16 Clearing  Designed to fill vacancies on Higher Education courses.  Gives you a final chance if you have not been placed anywhere.  Check your e mails for clearing vacancies sent by UCAS.  Vacancy information in newspapers such as The Telegraph and on the UCAS website.

17 Clearing  The UCAS website states courses that have places available from August until late September.  You have to take the initiative to contact the Higher Education Institutions admissions tutor to see if they have places available immediately on the 13 th August. The sooner you contact the University admissions tutors, the better chances you have of gaining a place.  It is important that you are available in late August and early September 2015.

18 UCAS Clearing – How does it work?  Applicants are required to check vacancy information.  Log on to UCAS Track and note your Clearing Number which is displayed on the ‘Welcome Page’ and ‘Choices’ page. Applicants will be asked for this from admissions tutors so that they can access your UCAS application.  Applicants to contact institutions via telephone or e-mail.

19 UCAS Clearing – How does it work?  If the admissions tutor is interested and offers the applicant a place on their course the student must add the course details using Track. Applicants will need to click on ‘Add Clearing choice’ to be formally considered.  UCAS will send your application to the university and then notify the applicant of the result.  If all is in order, the universities send a Clearing acceptance to UCAS and a letter is sent to the applicant confirming the offer of a place.  If you are not accepted, the ‘Adding Clearing Choice’ link in Track will be reactivated so you can apply to another choice in Clearing.

20 Key Dates in the UCAS Timetable 2015  Important reply dates Last Decision from the university by: Reply by 4PM (British Summer Time) on: 31 st March 20156 th May 2015 (unless applying through Extra) 7 th May 20154 th June 2015 (unless applying through Extra) 4 th June 201525 th June 2015 (unless applying through Extra) 16 th July 201523rd July 2015 (this includes applications through Extra)

21 Key Dates in the UCAS Timetable 2015 Date 2nd July 2015Last date for applicants to refer themselves through Extra 13 th August 2015 31 st August 2015 30 th September 2015 Publication of GCE results. Start of English, Welsh and Northern Irish. Clearing vacancy information service available on UCAS. Applications for Adjustment ends Termed Adjustment is closed. Clearing vacancy search is closed. Applicants to contact universities direct to discuss vacancies. Clearing choices can still be added to Track. 21st October 2015Deadline to add Clearing choice, last date a university or college can accept an applicant in Clearing.

22 Interim  Clearing target Higher Education Institutions (contact/visit in advance) – sign up to Clearing vacancy opportunities (up to 5 universities)  Fall-back strategy – Diplomas, Apprenticeships, Work Placement, etc.  Gap Year?  Check Track for offers throughout the week commencing 10 th August 2015  Get ready for University  Leavers’ Day – 2nd July 2015

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