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Satisfying labour demand through migration in Lithuania Based on a study of the LT EMN NCP, IOM Vilnius and Lithuanian Centre of Social Studies 9 November.

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Presentation on theme: "Satisfying labour demand through migration in Lithuania Based on a study of the LT EMN NCP, IOM Vilnius and Lithuanian Centre of Social Studies 9 November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Satisfying labour demand through migration in Lithuania Based on a study of the LT EMN NCP, IOM Vilnius and Lithuanian Centre of Social Studies 9 November 2010 Tallinn Evelina Gudzinskaitė Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania EMN National Contact Point in Lithuania

2 Context High emigration rates Strict immigration procedures Little attention paid to the phenomenon Negative opinions in the society

3 Public opinion (1) To your opinion, is it good that alien workers arrive to work in Lithuania? (%)

4 Public opinion (2) Should the government foster or restrain labour immigration? (%)

5 Lithuanian immigration policy Immigration is only a secondary means to answer labour demands Oriented to immediate needs Encourage circular migration, concentrate on return Geographic priority to workers from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, South Caucasus

6 Migration and economy

7 Work permits Unemployment (%)Work permits

8 Qualification of immigrants (ISCO-88) █ Highly qualified█ Qualified- less than 5%

9 Main countries of workers’ origin

10 Issued and revoked work permits █ Issued█Revoked

11 Work permits issued to: █ Understaffed professions█ Other

12 Scheme for understaffed professions (1) How a profession is included to the list: –Based on labour demand; –Labour demand exceeds the supply twice – only of registered vacancies; –The job vacancy cannot be filled within 3 months; –Geographic analysis; –Consultations with social partners

13 Scheme for understaffed professions (2) Facilitations: –Work permit can be issued for 2 years and renewed for 2 more years – without leaving the country; –Work permit is issued within 24 days; –Entry and work with national (D) visa (for 6 months, and then – a residence permit)

14 Understaffed professions II half of 2010 (6 entries): ship construction engineer; dyer of ship carcasses; welder; ship assembler; cook; truck driver. II half of 2007 (60 entries): engineers; workers in ships sector; welders; workers in construction sector; smiths; drivers; etc. XXI century needs?

15 Decrease of residents in Lithuania Source: Statistics Department Jan-Sept 2010 estimates Net migration: -64.2

16 Recommendations Orientation towards the future Active information and recruitment policy for highly qualified workers Simplification of procedures What about ensuring supply of highly qualified workers? Integration measures (for long-term workers) Increasing employers’ responsibility Work with the society

17 Thank you!

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