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Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare|

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Presentation on theme: "Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare|"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Keystone Babies April 1, 2010

2 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| What is Keystone Babies? High quality early learning opportunity for infants and toddlers, similar to PA Pre-K Counts Targeted to geographical areas of high poverty Plan to serve approximately 200 children. Creation of 26 classrooms statewide consisting of 8 infants and toddlers ranging in age from birth to three Program is based on the best available research on early development and focuses on relationship-based care with highly qualified staff Program is organized around PA Infant/Toddler Standards found at:

3 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Why we are investing in Keystone Babies Recommendation from the Pennsylvania Infant/Toddler Systems Committee of the Early Learning Council –Building a quality early education continuum by focusing on the youngest learners, infants and toddlers Key recommendations of committee: –Launch a statewide initiative for vulnerable at-risk infants, toddlers and their families –Improve early identification and referral through developmental screening –Support high quality, multidisciplinary infant/toddler workforce –Enhance social and emotional health through provision of early childhood behavioral health services

4 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Program goals Keystone Babies will: –Expand access to quality early learning programs to infants and toddlers, especially for those growing up in low resource and high risk environments –Enhance the engagement of families in the learning process –Provide supportive services to families –Bolster parent’s confidence and competence through their involvement in the learning process

5 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Keystone Babies funds Funding can be used to : –Support teachers’ salaries and/or professional development –Purchase additional equipment or resources to enhance quality implementation –Provide required consultations for mental health and physical health –Enhance transition or collaborative work within the community –Enhance relationships with families

6 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Program begin dates Classrooms are currently being established Classes will begin operating on May 3, 2010 Classes will be fully enrolled by May 17, 2010

7 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Classroom locations Cities Allentown Bethlehem Erie McKeesport Norristown Philadelphia Pittsburgh Reading Scranton York Counties Blair Clearfield Mifflin Venango

8 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Who can apply to be a Keystone Babies provider? Child care centers, operating full-day, year round Must have 3 or 4 Keystone STARS Must be located in the target area Must serve enough infants and toddlers living in the target area to fill a classroom of 8 children Must serve sufficient numbers of children who are receiving subsidy to create Keystone Babies classrooms of CCW-funded families

9 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Provider requirements for participation Providers must agree to: –Collaborate and coordinate services with local health and mental health agencies and Early Intervention –Work with families to support overall 85% attendance –Utilize proven quality strategies such as the Environmental Rating Scale, the Learning Standards, curriculum, etc. –Compete a developmental screening and utilize ongoing assessment strategies that involve families –Participate in the Early Learning Network (ELN) reporting procedures including entering the results of ongoing assessment using Ounce Scale

10 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Provider requirements for participation Providers must also agree to: –Utilize primary caregiving and continuity of care procedures that limit the number of adults who work with the classroom, creating better opportunities for attachments and relationships –Identify two teachers for each classroom of 8: Lead teacher must have a bachelor degree in early childhood or related field Teacher must have a minimum of a CDA and two years experience –Offer salaries that are consistent with state averages –Follow health and nutrition practices as identified by national experts including the use of health and mental health consultants

11 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Eligible children Child must be between the ages of birth and three years of age –Child should be under two years of age at program entry to receive the benefit of a full year of service Child must live in the targeted area Child must be enrolled in Child Care Works Child must need a minimum of 5 hours /day of full- time care five days a week, 250 days a year In some cases, to ensure classrooms are filled to capacity, providers may enroll a child who needs only four days of care.

12 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Program funding OCDEL is awarding grants to a subset of providers located in targeted areas to pilot the program Keystone Babies is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) The ARRA funds are channeled through the Child Care Development Funds which require us to follow the rules for subsidized child care ARRA funds will provide supplemental funds to each provider to support and enhance program quality The CCIS will pay the provider the usual subsidy rate plus the appropriate tiered reimbursement The parent must pay the assigned co-payment

13 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Program monitoring and support Three regionally-housed infant-toddler specialists will be supporting providers –Offer technical assistance –Serve as liaison between OCDEL and provider –Monitor the program to assure compliance –Conduct site visits and facilitate ongoing communication

14 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Role of the CCIS The CCIS will offer parents of infants and toddlers information about the Keystone Babies program The CCIS will help providers identify eligible infants and toddlers from the waiting list when a vacancy occurs Each affected CCIS will establish a set-aside to pay for children that are removed from the waiting list to attend the program This set-aside is a funding source only; the CCIS will not maintain a waiting list for the set-aside –CCIS should choose “low-income - regular” to place eligible children on the waiting list –Only choose set-aside if child must come off the low- income waiting list out of order

15 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Creating/updating an Administrative Family Support Budget 1)Select Administration from the Main Navigation bar 2)Select Funds from the Sub Navigation bar 3)Select Admin/Fam Sup Svcs Budgets from the Funds Sub Navigation bar 4)Click the Funding Source hyperlink of the administrative budget you wish to update 5)Click New to create an administrative/family support line item. (Click Transfer if the line item has been set up and you want to transfer amounts between categories. Click Expenditures to add monthly expenditure amounts. Click History to view the history.) 6)Click the Budget Category drop-down box and select a category from the list 7)Enter the amount for that category in the Budget Amount field 8)Click Save

16 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Creating/updating a set-aside program 1)Select Administration from the Main Navigation bar 2)Select Funds from the Sub Navigation bar 3)Select Funding Streams from the Funds Sub Navigation bar 4)Click the Select drop-down box and select Funding Programs from the list 5)Click Go 6)Click New to create a new funding program or click the funding program hyperlink to update a program 7)Click the Funding Source drop-down list and select Keystone Babies 8)Enter an amount not to exceed $1,000 for the initial allocation amount NOTE: Following initial allocation, adjust this amount as needed 9)Click Save

17 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Vacancies The CCIS will pay for up to 10 days when a Keystone Baby leaves the program and creates a vacancy The provider must submit an “Enrollment Plan” to the infant-toddler specialist if the provider anticipates a vacancy that will last longer than 10 days The infant-toddler specialist will approve the plan and fax or e-mail it to the CCIS “point person”; the CCIS will then pay for up to an additional 10 days of vacancy Additional requests for payment for vacancies beyond 20 days must be submitted by the infant-toddler specialist to OCDEL Headquarters for review

18 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Paying for vacancies The CCIS will pay vacancies at the young toddler rate The CCIS will not pay the tiered reimbursement add-on amount for vacancies OCDEL will provide the CCIS with blank “Keystone Babies Vacancy” invoices The CCIS will forward the blank invoices to the appropriate provider to complete and submit with the regular invoice The CCIS will pay Keystone Babies vacancies from FSS funds; there is a new line item in Admin/FSS titled “Other – Keystone Babies Vacancies” OCDEL will provide CCISs that “own” Keystone Babies sites with additional FSS funds to help defray costs beginning FY 2010-2011 Vacancy payments will be processed manually in a separate check paid outside the system

19 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Filling vacancies When a vacancy occurs the provider will try to fill the vacancy with an infant or toddler that resides in the targeted area that currently attends the provider’s facility and receives a subsidy If there is no eligible child, the provider will contact the CCIS to request help with filling the vacancy The “owning” CCIS will run the RE 309 Waiting List Aging Report to identify infants and young toddlers at the top of the waiting list The CCIS will call the parent of the first eligible child on the waiting list and will proceed down the waiting list until the vacancy is filled

20 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Filling vacancies (con’t) If the CCIS is unable to find a child to fill the vacancy, the CCIS should contact the Subsidy Coordinator OCDEL HQ will review options for filling the vacancy Exception: If owning CCISs in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia cannot fill the vacancy, the CCIS can contact the other CCISs within the county to see if they have any eligible infants and toddlers –Ex: Philadelphia North owns the provider but has no infants/toddlers for the program. Philadelphia North can contact the other Philadelphia CCISs to see if they have anyone interested in enrolling their child in the program.

21 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| KEYSTONE BABIES VACANCY INVOICE Provider ID: CCIS Office: Provider Type: Provider Legal Entity: Provider Location: Provider Phone: Address: INSTRUCTIONS Use “V” to indicate days of the service month for which there was a vacancy. Use a separate line for each vacancy. Codes V - Vacancy CERTIFICATION I certify that all the information provided is true, correct, and complete under "penalty of perjury" or subject to the penalties in 18PA CS 4904. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Provider SignatureDate Service Period:June 2010 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 TueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWed

22 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| KEYSTONE BABIES VACANCY INVOICE Provider ID:9112926782-5 CCIS Office: Blair Provider Type:Center Provider Legal Entity:Kids First Provider Location:Lily Pond Early Learning Provider Phone:(814) 943-8177 Address: 2713 W. Chestnut Street Altoona, PA 16601 INSTRUCTIONS Use “V” to indicate days of the service month for which there was a vacancy. Use a separate line for each vacancy. Codes V - Vacancy CERTIFICATION I certify that all the information provided is true, correct, and complete under "penalty of perjury" or subject to the penalties in 18PA CS 4904. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Provider SignatureDate Service Period:June 2010 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 TueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWed Vacancy #1VVVV VVVVV V Vacancy #2 VV VVVVV VVVVV VV

23 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Next Steps CCISs must assign a “point person” for the project –Submit the name and contact information to your subsidy coordinator by April 9, 2010 The PA Key will provide the name and contact information for a designated infant-toddler specialist who will work with the CCIS OCDEL will compile and distribute a list of CCIS and infant- toddler specialists who will serve as contact persons OCDEL will e-mail CCISs blank Keystone Babies Vacancy Invoice forms –CCISs can decide the best way to share the forms with the provider OCDEL will issue a communiqué to all CCIS agencies describing the program

24 Keystone Babies Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Harriet Dichter, Acting Secretary of Public Welfare| Questions ?

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