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Integrated Engineering Course at Budapest University of Technology and Economics Presented by Peter Korondi.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Engineering Course at Budapest University of Technology and Economics Presented by Peter Korondi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Engineering Course at Budapest University of Technology and Economics Presented by Peter Korondi

2 Outline Introduction Introduction Meaning of Integrated EngineeringMeaning of Integrated Engineering Background of our studentsBackground of our students Curriculum of Integrated Engineering MSc Course Curriculum of Integrated Engineering MSc Course Integrated projects Integrated projects Conclusion and future plans Conclusion and future plans

3 History Nottingham Trent College Became a UniversityNottingham Trent College Became a University Integrated Engineering introducedIntegrated Engineering introduced Cooperation betweenCooperation between Nottingham Trent University And Hungarian Colleges The education system of NTU is exported Hungarian students received BSc. degree from NTU The education system of NTU is exported Hungarian students received BSc. degree from NTU MSc. Course at MSc. Course at Budapest University of Technology and Economics Independent of NTU totally only the name of the course is used

4 Meaning of Integrated Engineering 40% electrical engineering40% electrical engineering 40% mechanical engineering40% mechanical engineering 20% management20% management Project management

5 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Basic Mecanical Engineering Course (3 years) Department of Automation and Applied Informatics Integrated Engineering Course 2 years in English Specializations 11 subjects 10 to 20 students

6 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SUBJECTS Mechanical Drives Materials Engineering Dynamics of Machines Advanced Flow Measurements CIM Technology (*) CAD Technology (*) Near Net Shaping Structural Analysis

7 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SUBJECTS Analogue electronics I.-II. Digital Electronics I.-II. Power Electronics & Motion Control I.-II. Integrated Measurements Microelectronics and Microsystem

8 JOINT MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL SUBJECTS Laboratory Software Engineering Integrating Project I.-II.

9 MANAGEMENT SUBJECTS Human Resource Management Marketing Finance Production Management Information Management

10 INTEGRATING PROJECT II. The subject includes integrating projects based on mechanical, electrical and economical knowledge. The projects have to be prepared by a group of students in team work. The projects contain design, manufacturing and assembly elements, as well as controlling, interfacing and software tasks. The result is an operating equipment, a report and an oral presentation.

11 STRUCTURE OF AN INTEGRATING PROJECT General RequirementsGeneral Requirements General descriptionGeneral description Task in detail:Task in detail: Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Management

12 Samples of General Requirements Single page working plan (description and schedule of tasks with „Activity/on/node network”) is expected to be submitted by the week 5.Single page working plan (description and schedule of tasks with „Activity/on/node network”) is expected to be submitted by the week 5. The oral presentations of the results of the integrating projects will be on week 12.The oral presentations of the results of the integrating projects will be on week 12. The Final Report has to be submitted by the week 14. Guidelines for Preparation of Final Typescript is attachedThe Final Report has to be submitted by the week 14. Guidelines for Preparation of Final Typescript is attached The final report must include a review of the recent international publications on the field of the project.The final report must include a review of the recent international publications on the field of the project.

13 Student projects Integrated Project I.Integrated Project I. Integrated Project II. (Usually in Budapest)Integrated Project II. (Usually in Budapest)……………………………………………… Final Project (Usually abroad)Final Project (Usually abroad)

14 Example Integrated Project I. : Camera calibrationIntegrated Project I. : Camera calibration Integrated Project II.: Stereo vision systemIntegrated Project II.: Stereo vision system Final Project : Stereo vision system for robot trajectory trackingFinal Project : Stereo vision system for robot trajectory tracking

15 Conclusion This course is attractive for  the students,  the industry.

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