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Rijksgebouwendienst Member update 2011 September 2011 Peter Jägers.

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Presentation on theme: "Rijksgebouwendienst Member update 2011 September 2011 Peter Jägers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rijksgebouwendienst Member update 2011 September 2011 Peter Jägers

2 31 August 2011 Rijksgebouwendienst statistics +/- 2,000 properties Total square metres:7,1 mln m 2 Turnover:€ 1,500 mln (= 0.7% of governmental expenditures) Number of employees (fte):875 (Total at central government: 175,000)

3 31 August 2011 Wide-ranging portfolio

4 31 August 2011 Subdivision portfolio Rijksgebouwendienst Ministries and offices 4,0 mln m 2 Prisons 1,3 mln m 2 Museums 0,3 mln m 2 Palaces 0,1 mln m 2 Other 1,0 mln m 2

5 31 August 2011 Share of Monuments in total portfolio Ownership vs Rental monuments rental ownership Gross square meters per region

6 31 August 2011 Developments in the Netherlands Effects of financial crisis more visible: * Economic growth rate 2009 - 4% 2010+ 1,7% * Collapsing building and real estate markets Vacancy rate in commercial market +/- 15 %

7 31 August 2011 Evaluation of the government RE-system Centralisation of decision making Decrease of the administrative burden Program “Compact Government” More standardized office locations Introduction of standardized workspaces Research into merging public RE organizations Cut backs of central government decreased expenditure for all parts of central government Developments in Dutch public real estate

8 Effects of developments for Rijksgebouwendienst - Decrease in housing demand > less turnover - Changing backlog: - more small projects -Changing role in large projects - Need for change in structure of the organization 31 August 2011

9 Vision on blue print of organization and working method Better, smaller, more flexible Working towards a smaller, but strong and flexible organization Beter Quality requirements, transparancy in actions, performance, changing demand Smaller Less m2, more work set out in market, less fte More flexible Keeping up in a changing environment, small core body with flexible contours, coalitions and collaborations

10 31 August 2011

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