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Integrated Workforce Matters Kate Thomas Head of Health & Social Care Workforce Integration.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Workforce Matters Kate Thomas Head of Health & Social Care Workforce Integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Workforce Matters Kate Thomas Head of Health & Social Care Workforce Integration

2 Dorothy would like… To be supported to live well at home or in the community for as much time as she can be To have a positive experience of health and social care when she needs it.

3 2020 Vision “The Scottish Government's 2020 Vision is that by 2020 everyone is able to live longer healthier lives at home, or in a homely setting”

4 Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act Key Principles –Health & wellbeing outcomes –Partnership arrangements between health board and local authority –Integrated budgets –Localities - strengthened role for clinicians, care professionals and third and independent sectors Regulation & Statutory Guidance Interim arrangements in place April 2015 – Act goes “live”

5 What will be Integrated? Regulations will provide more detail but examples include: Social work and care services for older people Adults with learning disabilities Adults with physical disabilities Children and Families Criminal Justice services Joint equipment services Mental Health Adults and Children Drug and addiction services Homelessness AHP services Housing support services Community hospitals and day hospitals Acute services??

6 Focus on prevention “Advanced access” isn’t really about you booking an appointment in advance of having anything wrong with you!

7 Workforce contribution “We believe that front-line staff, along with people and communities are best placed to identify how to make things work better. It is critical that managers at all levels support staff in empowering users and communities, and to give fresh meaning to their own work." (Christie commission) People who work in health and social care services are supported to continuously improve the information, support, care and treatment they provide and feel engaged with the work they do. (H&WB Outcome 8 draft)

8 Working together people statutory non- statutory

9 Health & Social Care Integration Integrated workforce or workforce delivering integrated services? It’s happening already & growing evidence It will improve outcomes for patients, service users, carers and their families It’s the best chance we’ll have

10 Workforce impact Terms and conditions of employment Management Location of teams Professional identity Professional supervision Professional leadership

11 And this is where our planning team went insane

12 What’s happening nationally? Activity so far: Groups looking at HR, workforce development and clinical and care governance Joint Appointments Guide 2014 Integrated care worker Community nursing Leadership & development Workforce outcomes

13 5 Workforce Outcomes Understand, promote and achieve better outcomes for people Engage in meaningful co-production with people and communities Affirm professional values and identity and take responsibility for career long development Demonstrate authentic and collaborative leadership behaviours Actively engage in locality planning and service improvement

14 Building effective partnerships between all partners

15 Workforce Vision We will respond to the needs of the people we care for, adapt to new, improved ways of working, and work seamlessly with colleagues and partner organisations. We will continue to modernise the way we work and embrace technology. We will do this in a way that lives up to our core values. Together, we will create a great place to work and deliver a high quality health and care service which is among the best in the world. Everyone Matters

16 Workforce Values care and compassion dignity and respect openness, honesty and responsibility quality and teamwork. Everyone Matters

17 Key success factors Holding the vision Communicating Getting the detail right Focus on people who require services Working as partners Skilful management Great leadership

18 What is our contribution to making integration a success for the people of Scotland?

19 Workforce Integration really matters

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