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PERSUASION. TODAY’S CLASS Warm-Up: Ethicist Response (7 minutes) Power Point on Persuasive Writing and Corresponding Graphic Organizer (10 minutes) Group.

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Presentation on theme: "PERSUASION. TODAY’S CLASS Warm-Up: Ethicist Response (7 minutes) Power Point on Persuasive Writing and Corresponding Graphic Organizer (10 minutes) Group."— Presentation transcript:


2 TODAY’S CLASS Warm-Up: Ethicist Response (7 minutes) Power Point on Persuasive Writing and Corresponding Graphic Organizer (10 minutes) Group Assignment (15 minutes) Independent Pre-Writing (15 minutes) Critiquing Worksheet (10 minutes)

3 ETHICIST RESPONSE TAKE 7 MINUTES TO RESPOND “I’m a social worker in the adoption field. A woman who surrendered her infant decades ago asked me for information about the child, and I gave her as much as I legally could, which is not very much. (New York is a closed-records state.) Two days later, I picked up a magazine with an article about someone I recognized as this woman’s child; the article mentioned the birth name, which was given by the woman I spoke to. What can I do? The birth mother knows what she named her child but may never read this particular article. I would never reveal confidential identities, but does pointing her toward a published piece carry the same weight?” -Be sure to support your response with “ WHY ”!

4 PERSUASIVE WRITING *Use these key ideas to fill in your graphic organizers* The purpose of writing a persuasive essay is: “to express your opinion and to convince others to agree with you and possibly to take some action.” (stated on page 320) You should write to persuade your audience about an issue that concerns you, or is important to you. This is YOUR topic! Choose something that matters to you and will be interesting to write.

5 THE PERSUASIVE ESSAY Standards for writing a successful essay: 1.The essay must state the issue and your position on the issue clearly in the introduction. Do not be wishy-washy, take one side and stick to it. 2.The essay must also be focused on the audience you are writing to. (Mrs. Johnson) Keep in mind who you are trying to persuade. 3.Your position MUST be supported with evidence! Use facts, examples, etc.

6 THE PERSUASIVE ESSAY More standards… 4.You should attempt to answer any possible arguments against your claim. Recognize the opposing side, and address the argument. 5.Show clear reasoning behind your argument. Your argument has to make sense! 6.Conclude your essay with a final summary of your position on the issue, and possibly a “call to action.” What do you plan on doing to promote your cause? What can others (the audience) do?

7 PERSUASIVE ESSAY PYRAMID Introduction { Body { Conclusion {

8 STUDENT GROUPS (4 PER GROUP) Get into your group within 1 minute as I pass out the worksheet for today’s activity

9 GROUP ACTIVITY INSTRUCTIONS 1.We will view the video clip as a class, and then you will read a follow-up article independently. 2.Spend a moment reflecting as a group before you read. Determine who in your group supports the students in the video, and who in your group supports the school’s administration.

10 “STUDENTS SENT HOME FOR WEARING AMERICAN FLAG SHIRTS” This is a video clip of the news coverage of a controversial issue that took place in a California high school when students wore clothing covered in American flags and red, white, and blue to school on Cinco de Mayo. The Hispanic population of the school responded with anger, and the administrators asked the students to leave school for the day.

11 REFLECTION ON VIDEO How do you feel about the clip? Do you think the students were right in fighting to express their freedom of speech? Was the school’s administration right in attempting to prevent violence in the school? These students sued their school district on the claim that their freedom of speech and expression was violated that day. How do you predict the case was ruled in court?

12 GROUP INSTRUCTIONS 1.Read the article provided independently to discover the outcome of this court case. 2.Discuss the controversy with your group members. 3.Spend the next 10 minutes working together to fill out the worksheet based on your group discussion. Provide an argument for each side of the issue, even if every member of your group is on the same side. Persuade your peers to agree with your position on the issue. Support your claims. 4. Every student in the group should be filling out a worksheet. You will be turning these in after the activity.

13 How did your group react to this controversy? Did you find that your group agreed or disagreed with the outcome of the case? If you were the administrators at this school, how would you have handled the situation differently, or would you have taken the same course of action? DISCUSSION

14 PRE-WRITING Now that we have gone over the key points of persuasive writing, and in your groups you have begun to develop your persuasive attitudes, we will begin pre-writing for the persuasive essay you will be writing. Fill out the pre-writing worksheet using the pyramid structure discussed: Introduction, Body, Conclusion. Be sure to come up with a strong persuasive topic first. Be sure to determine both your concern/issue, AND your position on it before moving forward with the worksheet.

15 CLOSURE: EXAMINING A SAMPLE ESSAY Based on your knowledge of the components of a persuasive essay, you will evaluate the following sample essay and determine whether or not you feel it is well written, or if it needs improvement, and in what areas. Directions: Read through the short essay and fill out the critiquing worksheet. Turn in the worksheet before the end of the class period.

16 SOURCES Applebee, Arthur N. The Language of Literature. American Literature. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2000. Print. Klosterman, Chuck. “The Ethicist: Mother-and-Child Reunion.” The New York Times. Nov 2012. Web. Retrieved Dec 2012 from: child-reunion.html?ref=theethicist child-reunion.html?ref=theethicist “Why People Should Read Books.” Academic Help: Persuasive Essay Sample. 2011-2012. Web. Retrieved Dec 2012 from: read-books.html read-books.html Strauss, Valerie. “Court: School can ban American flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo.” The Washington Post: The Answer Sheet. Nov 2011. Web. Retrieved Dec 2012 from: school-can-ban-american-flag-shirts-on-cinco-de- mayo/2011/11/12/gIQABiZ0HN_blog.html school-can-ban-american-flag-shirts-on-cinco-de- mayo/2011/11/12/gIQABiZ0HN_blog.html “Students Sent Home for Wearing American Flag Shirts.” [Video]. (2010). Retrieved Dec 2012 from:

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