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Jeff Manning Division of Water Resources. What? Readopting all the rules? S.L. 2013-413 (H74) requires review and, where necessary, readoption of all.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeff Manning Division of Water Resources. What? Readopting all the rules? S.L. 2013-413 (H74) requires review and, where necessary, readoption of all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeff Manning Division of Water Resources

2 What? Readopting all the rules? S.L. 2013-413 (H74) requires review and, where necessary, readoption of all rules Review Process (3 step process) 1. EMC’s Initial determination-Agency places rule in one of these categories and receives public comment Necessary with substantive public interest Necessary without substantive public interest Unnecessary rule 2. Rules Review Commission reviews determination 3. General Assembly’s JLAPO Consultation Review Process Completed Dec 2014.

3 Now What? Readopting all the rules Review process completed for Subchapters 2B, 2H, 2T and 2U. Approximately 375 rules need to be readopted Administrative Code Subchapter TitleFinal determination 15A NCAC 02BSurface Water and Wetland Standards Necessary with substantive public interest 15A NCAC 02HProcedures for Permits: Approvals Necessary with substantive public interest 15A NCAC 02TWaste Not Discharged to Surface Waters Necessary with substantive public interest 15A NCAC 02UReclaimed WaterNecessary with substantive public interest

4 Stakeholder input The division has been working internally on draft rules and will solicit input from stakeholders Draft rules will be posted on webpage at least 30 days before stakeholder meetings Stakeholders bring or submit comments to division on/before date of meeting Those comments received by deadline will be considered during this iteration of draft rules

5 Stakeholder meetings Opportunity to hear division’s draft rules Opportunity to submit comments on draft rules Meetings scheduled by similar rule topics Location: Archdale Building, Raleigh Time: morning or afternoon sessions

6 Stakeholder meeting schedule DateTimeRules CoveredTimeRules Covered March 24Morning 2B 0100, 0200, 0300 Standards & Classification Rules Afternoon 2H 1100 Biological Cert Rule; 2H 0800 Lab Cert Rules; April 7Morning 2H 0400, 0500; 2H 100, 400, 900, 1200 WW npdes rules Afternoon 2T 1300, 1400 Animal rules April 21Morning 2U Reclaimed water; and 2T WW rules Afternoon2T residuals rules (1100, 1200, 1500, 1600) May 5 Morning2B, 2H water supply watershed program 2B Buffer Rules Afternoon Continue 2B Buffer Rules 2H 0500, 1300- wetlands May 19Morning2B NSW Strategy Rules Trading & Nutrient Offset, Tar-Pam Non-Association Dischargers & BMP Rate, Definitions, Fertilizer Management, Goals Afternoon 2B NSW Strategy Rules: New Development Existing Development State/Federal Stormwater, Agriculture

7 Rule Readoption Timeline Take comments from stakeholders and revise rules as necessary Plan to present draft rules to EMC Committees in the Fall/Winter of 2015 Develop fiscal analyses Public hearings-Winter/Spring of 2016

8 How can the regulated community help? Submit comments by deadline Participate through the stakeholder meetings Participate through the public hearing process to submit comments

9 Questions? Jeff Manning Chief, Classifications & Standards/Rules Review Branch Water Planning Section, Division of Water Resources 919-807-6415

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