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Early Middle Ages 814-1066 AD. Viking Age  Period between 793 and 1066 in Scandanavia and Britain  Located in modern Scandanavia  Word “viking” derives.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Middle Ages 814-1066 AD. Viking Age  Period between 793 and 1066 in Scandanavia and Britain  Located in modern Scandanavia  Word “viking” derives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Middle Ages 814-1066 AD

2 Viking Age  Period between 793 and 1066 in Scandanavia and Britain  Located in modern Scandanavia  Word “viking” derives from an old Norse word meaning vik meaning “creek”. So some would believe a Viking,then was a pirate who waited in a creek or bay to attack passing vessels. For others, it describes the people who lived in Denmark, Norway and Sweden

3 Viking Age con’t  They were best known for their raids during the Middle Ages  Media perceived them as savages and blood thirsty people.  raids.html raids.html

4 Viking Age con’t  Even though their life was devoted to raiding and warfare, vast majority of Vikings lived from farming, fishing and similar activities  The Vikings were highly skilled crafters and woodworkers  Using Scandinavian trees, they built cargo ships

5 Viking Age con’t  Most important ship that the Vikings made were called Drakkars or Dragon ships.  The ship allowed them to travel as far as Jerusalem and Eastern Asia

6 Viking Age con’t



9 Clip about vikings

10 Viking Law con’t  Common way to solve disputes between two parties was with a duel  First Viking’s blood to touch the ground the ground lost the case  The idea for this was that the Gods were on the victor’s side and they wouldn’t let the innocent lose

11 Viking Law  The word law itself is a Viking word  When Vikings were charged with a crime, they would go to a “ting” court where a jury of 12, 24 or 36 would either convinct and declare him innocent  The size of the jury depended on the nature of the crime

12 Viking Law con’t  This practice continued until Christianity had developed in Scandinavia

13 Viking Law

14 Viking Religion  b=9\ b=9\  Vikings were most likely Pagan, worshipping many gods and goddesses.  They believed their Gods lived in a place called Asgard

15 Viking Religion  They also had three norns (sacred beings that represented the past, present and future)  The norns predicted the future of both gods and humans and no person could avoid their fate. They also believed the God Odin had handmaidens called Valkyries  http://www.rosala-viking- http://www.rosala-viking-

16 Viking Gods  Odin- supreme God of Viking religion lived in a great palace called Valhalla. He was the god of warriors and battle also god of wisdom and poetry  Thor- son of Odin, was more widely worshipped by the Vikings. Very skilled in battle, called his “hammer” Mjollner which destroyed evil creatures. God of Thunder  Frey- god of fertility, marriage, and growing things

17 Odin

18 Thor

19 Viking Religion 

20 Viking religion con’t  _Ow&feature=related _Ow&feature=related

21 Quick facts  During this period of time, the Norwegian Vikings moved farther west than any other Europeans had before.  Established settlements on Iceland and short- lived settlements in Greenland and Newfoundland which is what we refer to as Canada today  Took thralls(slaves) to the fairs of Lyons on the Rhone River

22 Quick facts  Supplied the huge demand for slaves in the Muslim world  Slave trade represented an important part of Viking commerce.

23 Viking Clothing

24 Viking clothing con’t  Like in most of Europe, wool was the material used to make clothes  Wherever the Vikings settled, they brought sheep with them for this purpose  The clothes were made by women who would also dye them with minerals or vegetables for different colors

25 Viking clothing con’t  The men would wear a long, woolen shirt and long trousers which were help up by a drawstring  If the weather required it, they could wear a long coat  During battles, Vikings used shields, a helmet and a mail chain to protect themselves

26 Viking clothing con’t

27 Green area represents areas of frequent Viking raids throughout 8 th to 11 centuries

28 Magyars and Muslims  Magyars moved westward in Europe during the 9 th century, crossing the Danube by attacking villages, gaining wealth, taking captives and forcing leaders to pay tribute in an effort to prevent looting and destruction  Because of their skill with horses and eastern origins, the Magyars were often identified with the earlier Huns who they conquered.

29 Magyars and Muslims  Magyar forces were defeated by a combined army of Frankish and other Germanic troops at the Battle of Lechfeld in southern Germany around 955AD  ld ld  The ruler at the time was Geza

30 Magyars and Muslims  Geza who had been a pagan decided to become a Roman Christian  This allowed him to gain support of the papacy and offered prospects for alliances with other Roman Christian rulers against the Byzantine Empire  Stephen I, who was the son of Geza, was crowned king of Hungary by a papal representitive on Christmas Day of 1001

31 Magyars and Muslims  Stephen I supported the building of churches and monasteries  Built up royal power  Encouraged the use of Latin and Roman Alphabet  Hungary’s alliance with the papacy shaped later history of eastern Europe similar to Charlemagne’s alliance with the papacy shaped western European history

32 King Otto I

33  Was claimed emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 962 A.D  Created a domestic policy known as the Ottonian System  Sought to strengthen authorities(chiefly bishops and abbots) at the expense of nobles who threatened his power

34 King Otto I  Devoloped three institutions to control the forces that the Churches represented  First institution involved bishops and abbots with symbols in their offices.  Second institution was established in Ottonnian territories involving property churches

35 King Otto I  In German law, any structure built on land owned by a lord belonged to that lord unless a charter conveyed away those rights  By doing this, Otto aggressively reclaimed proprietary rights over many landed churches and abbeys  Abbey is just another word for Christian monastery

36 King Otto I  Third institution involved the system of advocatus.  Advocatus was a secular manager of ecclesiastical estates, who was entitled to a certain share of agricultural produce and revenues.  Was responsible for safety and good work

37 The Holy Roman Empire at Otto's death.

38 Rollo the Viking

39  The fiefdom of Normady was created in 911 AD for the Viking leader  Along with his allies, he conquered a large region of France

40 Early Dukes of Normady


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