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You Are What You Tag Yi-Ching (Janet) Huang Chia-Chuan (Evelyn) Hung Jane Yung-jen Hsu From National Taiwan University 2008/03/26.

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Presentation on theme: "You Are What You Tag Yi-Ching (Janet) Huang Chia-Chuan (Evelyn) Hung Jane Yung-jen Hsu From National Taiwan University 2008/03/26."— Presentation transcript:

1 You Are What You Tag Yi-Ching (Janet) Huang Chia-Chuan (Evelyn) Hung Jane Yung-jen Hsu From National Taiwan University 2008/03/26

2 Outline Tagging-based profile Objective profile Semantic relationship between tags

3 Social Media Website

4 movies maps photos musics blogs bookmarks shrek opera java ai xml life food cat school ocean nightmarket travel jazz classical rock ntu MRT lord of rings

5 Social Media -> Profile Cats musical comic Visualization networks Visualization tools graph social networks Japan Namie Japan drama Things I have reflect what I know, and what I am interested in

6 Content vs. Tag Analysis content analysistag analysis resourcelimited resource (text) all social media (text, photos, video…) conceptcontent conceptcontent concept & user comment viewpointonemany

7 travel dance Japan JavaScript ajax xml programming music R&B jazz SFO Taiwan map musical java coffee cat rabbit movie comic You Are What You Tag

8 Social Bookmarking Data My friends’ bookmarks music My bookmarks movie dance ajax xml musical java coffee cats comic rdf star

9 …… Tripartite Graph own taggedon ………… java Japan routing travel 0.84 0.3 0.46 0.57 0.24 0.63

10 Weighted Tag Profile Obtain a set of tags ordered by its weight to represent this person Tag weight The average tag importance (over document) …… own tagged on ………… java Japan routing travel

11 Tag Capability How much a tag can represent this document Tagging order The first tag is the most relevant Tagging popularity How many people also tag this document with this tag …… own tagged on java Japan routing travel …………

12 dance cats jazz java Japan Taiwan javaScript R&B travel musical rdf pop map anima l guide kitty xml rss subjective objective

13 Tags from Other People travel map For any document in my collection, it may be tagged by other people Japan

14 Objective Profiling javaScript rdf travel …… java Japan routing map 0.92 0.28 0.43 0.35 0.57 0.13

15 Different Viewpoints subjective objective personal social global travel dance Japa n JavaScript aja x xml visualization love theme Thailand musical jav a cats movie comic dance cats jazz jav a Japa n Taiwan JavaScript R&B map musical rdf pop travel danc e musical R&B jaz z Taiwan map Japa n cat s movie comic rdf jav a programming

16 Profile from Three Views ? Others say I am … personal view global view social view

17 Are They Alike?

18 Pre-processing photo art design image color tagging research ajax javascript flash flex social reinforcement

19 Relationship between Tags photo art graph image color tagging research ajax javascript flash flex icon paint desig n

20 AB Tag-based Co- occurrence Assumption: the more frequent two tags co-occur on the same documents, the more relevant two tags are

21 Tag Semantic Relationship photo art graph image color icon paint desig n 1/5 = 0.25

22 Tag Concept photo art graph image color tagging research ajax javascript flash flex Semantic relation (WordNet) icon image concept paint desig n Semantic relation (ConceptNet)

23 Concept-based Co- occurrence photo art graph image color tagging research ajax javascript flash flex icon image concept paint desig n art concept 3/8 = 0.375

24 Profile with Semantic Relationship ? Others say I am … personal view global view social view

25 Experiment of Data A user’s bookmark collection (from 351 bookmark items 148 distinct tags 160,000 users bookmarked one of these items Visual tool Vizster (Heer 2005)

26 Result of Tag Relationship


28 Conclusion Tagging-based profile Profile a person from tags Profile from different views personal, social, global Tag semantic relationship More complete profile

29 Thanks for your attention


31 2 3 4 1

32 …… Tagging Analysis own taggedon ………… Tag vs. PersonTag vs. Content java Japan routing travel 0.84 0.3 0.46 0.57 0.24

33 Results of Three Viewpoints My docs

34 Procedure of semantic relationship analysis

35 Relationship between tags Relationship between tags can Reflect how I think The structure of my knowledge cats musical Japan travel Taiwan cats musical travel Japan Taiwan

36 All Aspects Are You Japan JavaScript R&Bmusical map cats jazz Japan dance rdf pop java trave l danc e Japa n JavaScrip t aja x xml visualizatio n love theme Thailan d musica l jav a cat s movi e comi c dance cats jazz java Japan Taiwan JavaScript R&B map musical rdf pop subjective profile objective profile

37 What You Tag You Are

38 Easy to miss tag ? art desig n visual ?

39 ……….. Easy to miss tags art desig n web color visual layout tutorial ? ? ?

40 Social reinforcement photo art design image color tagging research ajax javascript flash flex social reinforcement

41 Tag relative co- occurrence

42 How people think…

43 Conclusion Tag relationship Concept-based relative co-occurrence Social reinforcement More complete profile

44 Data Modeling Peter Joe Evelyn Janet comic travel java URL_8 ………… URL_5 ………… URL_6 ………… A Tripartite Graph (Mika, 2005) T = A × C × I A: actors C: concepts I: instances H(T)=(V, E) V = A ∪ C ∪ I E = { { a,c,i } | (a,c,i) belongs to T }

45 A Tuple of Data Evelyn java, programming, research own tagged on 2006/10/10 …………

46 Tag Analysis Give each tag a weight as its importance Tags vs. Contents The capability of a tag for representing the content. Tags vs. Profile The strength of a tag for representing a person Tags vs. Profile vs. Time The changes of the tags over time

47 Tags vs. Contents y=exp(x) java ………… programming research 0. 9 0.83 0.74 0.67 0.33 0.79 0. 75 0. 54 0.61 0.69 0.80 0.91 0.65 0.75 0.80 0.79 0. 54 0. 62 3.8 2.2 1.16

48 Tags vs. Profile Evely n java programming research URL_5 ………… URL_8 ………… URL_6 ………… URL_1 ………… URL_3 ………… URL_2 ………… URL_4 ………… URL_9 ………… URL_7 ………… 0. 9 0.67 0.79 3.8 2. 7 1.9 4.0 3.5 0.52 0.43 0.95 0.78 0.89 0.83 0.7 0.6 1.1 0.4 2.44 3.54 6.52

49 Equations Tag vs. Content Tag vs. Person (Personal) Tag vs. Person (Social)

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