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MEDIA RELATIONS Dick Kane. Who am I? Young, ambitious & greenYoung, ambitious & green Not trained in journalismNot trained in journalism Don’t know how.

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Presentation on theme: "MEDIA RELATIONS Dick Kane. Who am I? Young, ambitious & greenYoung, ambitious & green Not trained in journalismNot trained in journalism Don’t know how."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who am I? Young, ambitious & greenYoung, ambitious & green Not trained in journalismNot trained in journalism Don’t know how DOT worksDon’t know how DOT works Skeptical of any PR effortSkeptical of any PR effort Don’t like being manipulatedDon’t like being manipulated

3 When Media Gets It Wrong 1948

4 When Media Gets It Wrong 2012

5 What to do? Show it to a neutral party Talk to the reporter Write a response Speak to the editor Use Social Media

6 Social Media

7 TONIGHT’S TOP STORY N-E-W-SN-E-W-S Recent eventsRecent events Unusual or notableUnusual or notable NegativeNegative

8 Negative Advertising

9 Mike McCurry’s “5Cs” CredibilityCredibility CandorCandor ClarityClarity CompassionCompassion CommitmentCommitment

10 Jack Hilton “How to Meet the Press” Be openBe open Be honestBe honest Be newsyBe newsy Be awareBe aware Be cooperativeBe cooperative

11 Jay Rayburn, Ph. D “Your Rights” Courteous treatmentCourteous treatment Not to be hurriedNot to be hurried Know major topics in advanceKnow major topics in advance PR counselPR counsel Make your own recordingMake your own recording

12 60 – 30 – 10 - rule 60 percent – visual60 percent – visual 30 percent – verbal30 percent – verbal 10 percent - message10 percent - message

13 YOU’RE ON!...3…2…1


15 ALWAYS Be honestBe honest Be candidBe candid Be factualBe factual Be preparedBe prepared Be responsiveBe responsive Be sensitive to deadlinesBe sensitive to deadlines

16 NEVER LieLie GuessGuess Get hostileGet hostile Give opinionsGive opinions Say “no comment”Say “no comment” Go “off the record”Go “off the record”


18 Plain language Written communication to the public must be clear, concise, and free of needless words

19 What is plain language? Clear language Only the information needed by the recipient Short sentences written in the active voice

20 Plain language

21 Layout and Design

22 Plain language Where have we been?Where have we been? Where are we going?Where are we going? How will we keep score?How will we keep score?

23 Plain language inventory Presentations on agency websites, letters, notices, applications, reports, pamphlets and any other communication meant for public consumption

24 Lake Jesup

25 What is a plain language document? Uses few words as possibleUses few words as possible Audience can understand itAudience can understand it Easy to look at and easy to readEasy to look at and easy to read

26 “Talking down to the public?” Does not mean baby talkDoes not mean baby talk Clear, concise languageClear, concise language Short, easy-to-understand sentencesShort, easy-to-understand sentences

27 External customers Did you get the info you needed?Did you get the info you needed? Was it written in plain language?Was it written in plain language?

28 Internal customers Are you using the plain language checklist?Are you using the plain language checklist? Do you find the checklist helpful?Do you find the checklist helpful? How has plain language affected your communications with the public?How has plain language affected your communications with the public?

29 Plain language benefits Saves time and moneySaves time and money Good customer serviceGood customer service Reduces burden we place on publicReduces burden we place on public

30 What have you learned?

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