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Understanding State Share of Instruction and Resource Analysis Jay Johnson Assistant Director, Higher Education Information (HEI) (614) 728-2902

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding State Share of Instruction and Resource Analysis Jay Johnson Assistant Director, Higher Education Information (HEI) (614) 728-2902"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding State Share of Instruction and Resource Analysis Jay Johnson Assistant Director, Higher Education Information (HEI) (614) 728-2902 Jay Johnson Assistant Director, Higher Education Information (HEI) (614) 728-2902 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS HEI Users Conference March 23, 2001

2 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 2 Presentation Overview s State Share of Instruction l Two- & five-year moving averages s Resource Analysis s Queries Available s State Share of Instruction l Two- & five-year moving averages s Resource Analysis s Queries Available $1.7B awarded each Fiscal Year

3 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 3 State Support of Ohio Higher Education s State Share of Instruction Formula $1.6B in FY01 s Challenge Line Items $147M in FY01 l Success Challenge l Access Challenge l Research Challenge l Jobs Challenge s State Share of Instruction Formula $1.6B in FY01 s Challenge Line Items $147M in FY01 l Success Challenge l Access Challenge l Research Challenge l Jobs Challenge State support represents between 28% to 49% of campus revenue Allocation by Type - FY01

4 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 4 State Support of Ohio Higher Education

5 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 5 Cost of Instruction Factors in Resource Analysis Student Services: Registrar, Institutional Research POM: Facilities, Libraries, Technology Infrastructure President & VP Salaries Number of Students in Course or Credit Hours Subject Matter of Course Level of Course Collegiate Enterprise Course / Unit of instruction Indirect Costs/ Overhead Allocated to Instructor Salary + Fringe Benefits Department Chair Salary & other expenses Direct Instructional Costs

6 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 6 Resource Analysis Cost Allocation s Step 1: Allocate instructors' salaries & benefits among the subjects and levels of the courses they teach s Step 2: Allocate Funding Unit Overhead expenses to subjects and levels of course sections offered by the funding unit (department) s Step 3: Allocate student services, academic support, institutional support, libraries and POM to all subjects and levels of course sections offered by the campus s Step 4: Combine all costs into single table for entire state. l Costs are saved for each combination of campus, subject and level, and can thereby be aggregated by state, sector, campus, subject field, level and subsidy model. s Step 1: Allocate instructors' salaries & benefits among the subjects and levels of the courses they teach s Step 2: Allocate Funding Unit Overhead expenses to subjects and levels of course sections offered by the funding unit (department) s Step 3: Allocate student services, academic support, institutional support, libraries and POM to all subjects and levels of course sections offered by the campus s Step 4: Combine all costs into single table for entire state. l Costs are saved for each combination of campus, subject and level, and can thereby be aggregated by state, sector, campus, subject field, level and subsidy model.

7 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 7 Resource Analysis Step 1: Allocate Instructors’ Salaries s Calculating Course Credit Hours

8 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 8 Resource Analysis Step 1: Allocate Instructors’ Salaries s Calculating Student Credit Hours

9 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 9 Resource Analysis Step 1: Allocate Instructors’ Salaries s Average SCH & CCH

10 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 10 Resource Analysis Allocation s Step 1: Allocate instructors' salaries & benefits among the subjects and levels of the courses they teach l Allocated by SCH & CCH s Step 2: Allocate Funding Unit Overhead expenses to subjects and levels of course sections offered by the funding unit (department) l Allocated by SCH & CCH s Step 3: Allocate student services, academic support, institutional support, libraries and POM to all subjects and levels of course sections offered by the campus l Allocated by SCH and NASF for POM s Step 1: Allocate instructors' salaries & benefits among the subjects and levels of the courses they teach l Allocated by SCH & CCH s Step 2: Allocate Funding Unit Overhead expenses to subjects and levels of course sections offered by the funding unit (department) l Allocated by SCH & CCH s Step 3: Allocate student services, academic support, institutional support, libraries and POM to all subjects and levels of course sections offered by the campus l Allocated by SCH and NASF for POM

11 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 11 Resource Analysis Cost Allocation: Files that contribute to each step Step 1 s Faculty and Instructional Non-faculty Funding (FF) File: Salary s Course Enrollment (CN) File: Credit Hours s Student Enrollment (SN) File: Rank s Course Sections Taught (ST) File: Section Type s Course Inventory (CI) File: Subject and Course Level s Funding Unit Expenditure (FX) File: Funding Unit Step 2 s Funding Unit Inventory (FI) File s College Expenditure (CP) File Step 3 s Campus Expenditure (CX) File s Area Inventory (AI) File (used to calculate Net Area Square Footage (NASF)) Step 1 s Faculty and Instructional Non-faculty Funding (FF) File: Salary s Course Enrollment (CN) File: Credit Hours s Student Enrollment (SN) File: Rank s Course Sections Taught (ST) File: Section Type s Course Inventory (CI) File: Subject and Course Level s Funding Unit Expenditure (FX) File: Funding Unit Step 2 s Funding Unit Inventory (FI) File s College Expenditure (CP) File Step 3 s Campus Expenditure (CX) File s Area Inventory (AI) File (used to calculate Net Area Square Footage (NASF))

12 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 12 State Share of Instruction Processing s Step 1: Gather all course enrollments, cross registrations, and medical enrollments into a single table s Step 2: Exclude course enrollments that have no impact on subsidy s Step 3: Adjust the subsidy level of course enrollments that may have been classified for subsidy inappropriately. s Step 4: Map course enrollments to subsidy model based on their subject code and course level. s Step 1: Gather all course enrollments, cross registrations, and medical enrollments into a single table s Step 2: Exclude course enrollments that have no impact on subsidy s Step 3: Adjust the subsidy level of course enrollments that may have been classified for subsidy inappropriately. s Step 4: Map course enrollments to subsidy model based on their subject code and course level.

13 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 13 State Share of Instruction Processing s Step 5: Adjust the subsidy model for approved exceptions s Step 6: Classify student enrollments as eligible or ineligible for subsidy. s Step 7: The processing in this step has been distributed to other steps. s Step 8: Summarize course enrollments by campus and subsidy model for both eligible and ineligible SCH. s Step 5: Adjust the subsidy model for approved exceptions s Step 6: Classify student enrollments as eligible or ineligible for subsidy. s Step 7: The processing in this step has been distributed to other steps. s Step 8: Summarize course enrollments by campus and subsidy model for both eligible and ineligible SCH.

14 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 14 State Share of Instruction Processing s Step 9: Apply the Law Caps. s Step 10: Apply the Doctoral Caps. This process will not be implemented. s Step 11: Apply the Baccalaureate Limit rule. s Step 12: Apply medical 5 percent repeater rule. This process is not yet implemented. s Step 13: Apply medical class cohort excess rule. This process is not yet implemented. s Step 14: Apply medical buffering rule. s Step 9: Apply the Law Caps. s Step 10: Apply the Doctoral Caps. This process will not be implemented. s Step 11: Apply the Baccalaureate Limit rule. s Step 12: Apply medical 5 percent repeater rule. This process is not yet implemented. s Step 13: Apply medical class cohort excess rule. This process is not yet implemented. s Step 14: Apply medical buffering rule.

15 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 15 Baccalaureate Limit 20% Resident Credit Center

16 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 16 State Share of Instruction Processing s Step 15: Enter Journal Entry transactions. s Step 16: This processing has been combined with Step 18. s Step 17: Submit to institutions for further review. s Step 18: Summarize the Subsidy FTE for all terms of the fiscal year calculated so far. Instructional Subsidy s Final Step: Fund based on the higher of the two- or five-year moving average s Step 15: Enter Journal Entry transactions. s Step 16: This processing has been combined with Step 18. s Step 17: Submit to institutions for further review. s Step 18: Summarize the Subsidy FTE for all terms of the fiscal year calculated so far. Instructional Subsidy s Final Step: Fund based on the higher of the two- or five-year moving average

17 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 17 Two- or five-year Moving Average

18 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 18 Two- or five-year Moving Average

19 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS, 19 Websites s s s s

20 Understanding State Share of Instruction and Resource Analysis Jay Johnson Assistant Director, Higher Education Information (HEI) (614) 728-2902 Jay Johnson Assistant Director, Higher Education Information (HEI) (614) 728-2902 OHIO BOARD OF REGENTS HEI Users Conference March 23, 2001

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