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Christophe Six UMR UPMC-CNRS 7144 “Adaptation & Diversité en Milieu Marin” Equipe “Procaryotes Photosynthétiques Marins" Station Biologique de Roscoff.

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1 Christophe Six UMR UPMC-CNRS 7144 “Adaptation & Diversité en Milieu Marin” Equipe “Procaryotes Photosynthétiques Marins" Station Biologique de Roscoff Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI). Bureau 354, 3 ème étage (Batiment GT) UE Evolution of marine Phytoplankton & Biogeochemistry Research Worshop 2 : Functional diversity among Marine Synechococcus

2 Research workshop 2. Personal work : a short report in the form of a research article  Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion  Mini-article due by January 29 th on pdf Format at Methods : culturing phytoplankton, flow cytometry and biophysics of photosynthesis, phylogeny. Bringing out a scientific question from a scientific context. Setting up a experiment plan. Carring out the experiments. Synthetising and presenting the results. Interpreting the results. Communicating the results and their interpretation properly. A scientific approach. Results and interpretation : together

3 0.1 0.5 10 µg/L Chlorophyll concentration in the World Ocean

4 0.1 0.5 10 µg/L Latitudinal environmental gradients in the World Ocean ?

5 Latitudinal temperature gradient in the World Ocean Average temperature for year 2005

6 Latitudinal Light irradiance gradient in the World Ocean

7 Latitudinal environmental gradients in the World Ocean

8 0.01 Chl µg/L) 1 60 UV Exposure Nutrients Enviro. stability Cell size Offshore-coast gradients Turbidity Light colour in water « Longitudinal » Environmental gradients In the World Ocean

9 Research Workshop 2 Functional diversity among marine Synechococcus Global scientific questions : How Synechococcus cells can adapt to such contrasted environmental conditions ? Did the evolution shape different cyanobacterial « ecotypes » ? More focused questions :.  How to start giving elements of answers to these questions ? What may influence the distribution of different pigment types ? What may inflence the distribution of the different phylogenetic clades ? What may inflence the pigment cell content ? What may inflence the photosynthetic activity ?

10 Research Workshop 2 Functional diversity among marine Synechococcus. To take advantage of the Roscoff Culture Collection >3000 phytoplankton strains from all aroud the world, including  350 Synechococcus

11 Research Workshop 2 Functional diversity among marine Synechococcus  Panel of  16 Synechococcus strains from the North Atlantic Ocean Post 1: Characterise the strains and their isolation sites and build a preliminary phylogeny. Gathering information on your strains : Strain denominations, coordinates, depth, ocean, sea, etc.. Build a preliminary phylogeny : Retrieve 16S sequences from NCBI and other databases, align and truncate the sequences on the BIOEDIT software. Then build a neighbor joining phylogeny with bootstrap values on the MEGA5 software  Use the RCC website to build a table on an Excel sheet  Install Google Earth (  2 sessions to acquire all the data (Monday-Tuesday)  Install Bioedit (  Install MEGA5 (  At least one laptop by student triplet  3-4 strains for 2-3 students (triplicate cultures)

12 Research Workshop 2 Functional diversity among marine Synechococcus Post 2: Determine the pigment type (photosynthetic antenna) of each strain by spectrofluorimetry. Determine phycobiliprotein composition. Calculate phycobilin fluorescence ratios. Deduce the pigment type  Justine Pittera (PhD student), spectrofluorimeter at the plankton lab

13 Research Workshop 2 Functional diversity among marine Synechococcus Post 3 : Determine the chlorophyll cell content for each strain (spectrophotometry) Determine the cell concentration and the strain cytometry parameters. Compare the chl a cell content with fluorescence parameters. Compare to cell size proxy  Cytometry analyses on Wednesday 16th

14 Research Workshop 2 Functional diversity among marine Synechococcus Post 4 :Study photosynthetic capacities by Pulse Amplitude Modulated Fluorimetry. Using the Junior PAM, draw a fluorescence light response curve. Determine photosynthetic parameters

15 Research Workshop 2 Functional diversity among marine Synechococcus  Synthetise all the data for all the strains : - Table with all information. TD sessions - Whole phylogenic tree with bootstrap values - All fluorescence spectra with pigment types determined  Try to understand whether some features seem to be associated to isolation sites Considering environmental gradients (latitude, longitude, depth, etc.) - Pigment contents and cytometric parameters - Light response curves  Compare the different strains

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