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Relationships, Relations, Education Vanna Boffo.

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Presentation on theme: "Relationships, Relations, Education Vanna Boffo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relationships, Relations, Education Vanna Boffo

2 Relationships and Adult Education What are the Relationships? Why is there the interesting for the Relationships? Where can we observe the Relationships? When can we observe the Relationships?

3 The Relation between Education, Formation and relationship Relations, Education, Formation Every type of Education and Formation has a Relational/Communicative Charactheristics Every type of Relation/Communication has and gives Education and Formation Why?

4 The Interpersonal Relationships The interpersonal relationship is the way for the formation of the parents, for the adult teacher, for the adult trainer, for the adult professionalist, for the adult worker. The Interpersonal Relationship is the way for the formation of the human person The interpersonal relationship is the base of every educational relationship and every formative relationship The interpersonal relationship is the base for the Learning Process

5 Educational Relationship Link between interpersonal relationships and intrapersonal relationships Interpersonal Relationship is between the Self and the Others Intrapersonal Relationships is between the self and own-self

6 The Self and the Relationships What is there at the base of our behavioral? Why do the adult conduct ownself in a specific way?

7 The Self and the Relationships First Answer The memory, the recollection, the reminder Second Answer The Emotion, The feeling of our experience

8 The Emotion What is the Emotion? The Emotion are biological function of the mind The Emotion are part of the feeling and part of the Knowledge

9 The Emotion Fondamental Emotions Primary Emotions

10 The Emotions Fear, Fright Anger, Rage Suffering, Agony Surprise Happyness, Joy Disgust, Repugnance Sadness, Melancholy

11 Emotion and Thinking Emotion is part of the brain Thinking is part of the brain But It is not sufficient to know this situation It is very important to Know our thinking is leaded from our feeling

12 The Emotion and the brain

13 Emotion and memory We have two types of memorys 1)Conscious, Aware, explicity memory (from two years) Link between experience and memory 2)Implicit memory (from the birth till 18 mounth) Without consciousness

14 Relationships Mentalization Reflective Listening Sinthony Empathy

15 Relationships Responsability, Tolerance Awareness, Insight Comprehension, Reflexive Dialogue

16 Intenzionality and Awereness We have three aspects of our mind promoting the building up of our person and growing up of our education 1.The capability to feeling our and other mind 2.Knowing ourselves (of Self) 3.The flexibility with the others (the capability to decide, to manage, to organize the situation)

17 Relationships and the Adult Educator When we have an open and mentalizing behavioral with ourselves, than it is easier to listen to the others When we know to analize our emotions it is easier to empaty with the others When we have done a step out of our circle it is easier to stay, to be, to teach, to guide the others The capability to reflective the mind of the others is the way to support the others The capability to feeling the other experiences the way to answer to the question of the others The capability to feeling the other mind is the way to became open to the other experience and learning other frames and other context

18 The role of the care of the relationships Pay attention to the needs Pay attention to the listening to Pay attention to the dialogue The care of the relationships is a most important task for the Adult Educator and we learn this task through the sustain The sistain is coming through the relationships with the dialogue and the Empathy The Empathy is the way to listen to our emotions, to liste to the other’s emotions, to understand the situation through an use of memory and through a use of the personal history

19 Key Competences for an adult educators 1)Who is an adult educator? 2)Where does an adult educator work 3)Which abilities are very important? And then Try to write the competences of an adult educator

20 Key Competences for an adult educators Learning needs assessment Preparation of courses Facilitation of learning Monitoring and evaluation Counselling and guidance Programme development Financial management Human resource management Overall management Administrative support ICT-support

21 Key Competences for an adult educators

22 Contents and Didactics Personal Development Assistance for Learners and development of the «Professional Self

23 Key Competences for an Adult Educators The nine competencies were thus related to the three categories as follows: - Competence domain personal development and development of the “Professional self” o Personal competence o Professional development - Competence domain content and in didactics o Expertise in the subject that is taught and didactics o Learning arrangement o Analysis of learning processes - Competence domain assistance for learners o Encourage and motivate learning o Support Learning o Care for the learner o Group Management

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