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Hooking The Big Fish! Presented by Brenda Loyd NBCT Chris Rollins NBCT.

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Presentation on theme: "Hooking The Big Fish! Presented by Brenda Loyd NBCT Chris Rollins NBCT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hooking The Big Fish! Presented by Brenda Loyd NBCT Chris Rollins NBCT





6 Welcome! Here’s Who We Are! Let’s Find Out About You! Let’s Set Norms!

7 Are these your students?

8 Or are your students like this?

9 Anticipatory Set Objectives: To understand Anticipatory Set To utilize Anticipatory Set for different subjects To link Anticipatory Set to multiple intelligences

10 Picture by Tina Phillips


12 Your Task: Think about a lesson that engaged your students. Why was it successful? Think about a lesson that did not engage your students. Why was it not successful? Share Out!

13 What do you think this is?

14 Anticipatory Set The “Attention Getter” To set the stage for learning To give the objectives a context

15 Purpose of the Anticipatory Set To assess the students’ prior knowledge before beginning a new concept or topic To give the students a brief overview To introduce the lesson’s objectives To engage the students

16 When to use the ‘Hook’ Before you begin your direct instruction At the start of a new unit of study Especially useful for introducing complex or abstract concepts.

17 Planning Your ‘Hook’ Ask yourself these questions: How can I involve as many students as possible? How can I interest my students in learning? How can I inform the students of my objectives in kid-friendly terms? What do the students need to know before I begin the lesson?

18 Activating Multiple Intelligences 7 + multiple intelligences: Visual/ SpacialBodily/Kinesthetic Verbal/LinguisticMusical/Rhythmic Logical/Mathematical Interpersonal Skills Intrapersonal Skills

19 Using a ‘Hook’… Utilizes your anticipatory set to review vocabulary or concepts. Activates prior knowledge and uncovers misconceptions with a KWL or KWHL chart. Provides a transfer of prior knowledge to new learning.

20 Suggestions Start with a question. A Picture or cartoon. A Story. A quote, or a startling statement. Free write on topic. Music or Art. Find Your Match game. Quiz show based on material already covered.

21 Your Turn Have your group select items. Use those items to develop an Anticipatory set for something you could teach. Share using Round Table.

22 Gallery Walk Take an Elsewhere Expedition to other tables. Read their Anticipatory Set. Leave a sticky note with your comments or additional ideas.

23 Assignment Your product is a hook /Anticipatory Set you used in the classroom and reflect on the response of your students.

24 Reflection Take some time to complete the Workshop Evaluation. Please feel free to email us: Brenda Loyd- Chris Rollins-

25 Enjoy Teaching and Learning!

26 Keep Smiling!

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