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Welcome to Bridges… Where Thinking Is Critical Jen Muchow-Gifted Facilitator Southeast Elementary (Monday-Wednesday)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Bridges… Where Thinking Is Critical Jen Muchow-Gifted Facilitator Southeast Elementary (Monday-Wednesday)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Bridges… Where Thinking Is Critical Jen Muchow-Gifted Facilitator Southeast Elementary (Monday-Wednesday)

2 What Makes Giftedness??

3 “Gifted kids see the world as if they’re looking through a high powered microscope.” Sylvia Rimm

4 The purpose of the Park Hill Gifted Program is to recognize and provide for the unique academic and affective needs of exceptional children, so they will become effective, creative, producers in society and in their personal lives.


6 Independent Study/Genius Hour/Inquiry: Students will develop research skills and practice using a variety of technology based presentation tools to share their findings. Students will work in teams to research and solve real world problems. Students will work collaboratively on various STEM challenges

7 21 st Century Learners


9 P.E.T.S. *Convergent Thinking: brings together information focused on solving a problem that has one correct solution; combines analysis with deductive reasoning *Divergent Thinking: involves a variety of aspects; leads to novel ideas and solutions; associated with creativity; not one “right” answer to be found *Visual Thinking: uses visual processing to solve problems; mental manipulation of shapes *Evaluative Thinking: asks questions of substance; gathers and analyzes relevant data; develops action plans based on data

10 Lifelong skill The ability to produce quality ideas through fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration Creativity is as important as literacy, and will be treated the same in my classroom. If one is not prepared to be wrong, he’ll never come up with something original. From Out of Our Minds: Learning to Be Creative by Sir Ken Robinson

11 Problem Solving Children use math and specific strategies to solve complex problems. Strategies may include: make a table, make a diagram, make an organized list, use logical reasoning, work backwards, guess and check, and make it simpler Noetic Online Challenge/Math Contest

12 Engaging Instruction through Multiple Intelligence Centers

13 Strong thinking skills=Metacognition *Consciously apply a process/procedure to a problem *Be aware of whether strategies result in success or need modification *THINK about thinking-not just remember and recall

14 Affective Needs

15 Miscellaneous Information: Classroom is located in Room 118 at Southeast Elementary Lunch-12:30 (Students can bring a small, healthy snack since we eat so late) Children should NOT be required to make up work that is missed while at Bridges, nor should teachers schedule special parties, celebrations or events on Bridges days-PLEASE let me know if a conflict should arise. Take Home Folders need to be checked at home and returned EVERY week. Our class has added 12 new laptops-we will be digitally engaged in various activities throughout the year.

16 More Miscellaneous Information: Children will arrive at SE between 9:10-9:15. Children should be back in home classroom by 3:00. Please discourage your child from bringing trinkets or wearing jewelry that may distract any learning occurring in the classroom. Some kids prefer using ear buds-feel free to send a pair to keep in the Bridges classroom. It is also helpful to have a jump drive so any research and projects can be worked on at home. Classroom teachers should avoid scheduling any celebrations on Bridges days.

17 Poem by Shel Silverstein

18 Thank you for sharing your child with me! Jen Muchow Southeast Elementary Room 118 816-359-6204

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