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Clydeview Academy SIPP Numeracy Improving numeracy, building confidence, engaging pupils and parents.

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Presentation on theme: "Clydeview Academy SIPP Numeracy Improving numeracy, building confidence, engaging pupils and parents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clydeview Academy SIPP Numeracy Improving numeracy, building confidence, engaging pupils and parents.

2 Our partners Pupils Parents Education Scotland Glasgow University Dunoon Grammar

3 Rationale & Aims To: improve numeracy and mathematics skills build confidence in numeracy/maths…..and other subjects across the school… raise pupils’ awareness of their successes and record them in their profile use variety and innovation in teaching & learning techniques have reliable and varied measurement of success and improvement engage parents further give more relevance and enjoyment to numeracy and maths

4 Courses & Qualifications S3 - Pupils will continue with their Broad General Education preparing for National courses in S4 S4 - Pupils will embark on National 3,4 or 5 (including lifeskills) - Pupils will be presented for N3/4/5 unit assessments including Numeracy and Added Value units.

5 Pupil Profile Building confidence and creating success Making pupils more aware of their success Recording their achievements in their profile Developing success and achievement across all subjects

6 Profile Sample

7 Measuring Impact Baseline measures Pupil/Parent questionnaires Written/formative assessment Initial profile status Observations Whole school Planned evaluation throughout S3 Comparison between then and now using the above What do we want change to look like?

8 Questions for discussion Learning & Teaching Variety Relevance Innovation Profiles Regularity Celebrate Links to other achievements

9 Questions for discussion Parental Engagement Progress updates Improving skills Celebrating success Partnerships Sharing and developing L&T Sharing & Celebrating success (school, authority) Strengthening links (schools, authority, Uni,Ed Scot)

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