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Presented by Matthew Cook INFO410 & INFO350 S2 2015 INFORMATION SCIENCE Paper Discussion: Dynamic 3D Avatar Creation from Hand-held Video Input Paper Discussion:

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Matthew Cook INFO410 & INFO350 S2 2015 INFORMATION SCIENCE Paper Discussion: Dynamic 3D Avatar Creation from Hand-held Video Input Paper Discussion:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Matthew Cook INFO410 & INFO350 S2 2015 INFORMATION SCIENCE Paper Discussion: Dynamic 3D Avatar Creation from Hand-held Video Input Paper Discussion: Dynamic 3D Avatar Creation from Hand-held Video Input A Ichim, S Bouaziz & M Pauly

2 INFO410 S2 2015 PAPER DISCUSSION SLIDE 2 INFORMATION SCIENCE Overview  Pipeline for creating rigged, personalised face from hand-held video  Makes use of  Feature tracking  Multi-view stereo depth estimation  Blendshape animation/modelling  New contributions  Factor out environment light to create face albedo map  Build blendshape rig from single camera video input


4 INFO410 S2 2015 PAPER DISCUSSION SLIDE 4 INFORMATION SCIENCE Static Modelling  From mobile phone video input, generate 2 meshes  High res model of face detail from neutral pose  Low res blendshape model for animating expressions  Later will create one blendshape pose per facial expression

5 INFO410 S2 2015 PAPER DISCUSSION SLIDE 5 INFORMATION SCIENCE Static Modelling  Point cloud generated with ‘Structure from Motion’  Applies features of captured face to a ‘Geometric Morphable Model’

6 INFO410 S2 2015 PAPER DISCUSSION SLIDE 6 INFORMATION SCIENCE Static Modelling  The user is asked to mark complex ridges for increased accuracy  Eyes are created simply by applying the detected iris colour to an existing mesh

7 INFO410 S2 2015 PAPER DISCUSSION SLIDE 7 INFORMATION SCIENCE Albedo Map  An albedo map is a texture map of just the diffuse reflections of a surface  i.e. it tries to eliminate the effect of environment light

8 INFO410 S2 2015 PAPER DISCUSSION SLIDE 8 INFORMATION SCIENCE Dynamic Modelling  Could stop at static modelling and include only ‘virtual’ emotions in virtual environment  But what if you want to use the user’s own expressions?

9 INFO410 S2 2015 PAPER DISCUSSION SLIDE 9 INFORMATION SCIENCE Blendshapes  A mesh of vertices which are weighted to vertices in another mesh  As vertices from the blendshape mesh are moved, the attached vertices from the target are moved, according to their weights  Used to smoothly animate ‘organic’ motions

10 INFO410 S2 2015 PAPER DISCUSSION SLIDE 10 INFORMATION SCIENCE Blendshapes  The blendshape models are generated using a combination of feature tracking and model-fitting  As with point registration, users can manually adjust the detected points

11 INFO410 S2 2015 PAPER DISCUSSION SLIDE 11 INFORMATION SCIENCE Detail Synthesis  Additional details can be added after animation from known information such as surface normals


13 Potential Exam Questions

14 INFO410 S2 2015 PAPER DISCUSSION SLIDE 14 INFORMATION SCIENCE Exam Questions  Describe how you can estimate the depth of a feature using only a single video stream  What is an albedo map?  What is a blendshape?

15 INFO410 S2 2015 PAPER DISCUSSION SLIDE 15 INFORMATION SCIENCE References  The Paper: The Paper:

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