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Extending a Mobile Device’s Interaction Space through Body-Centric Interaction Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Canada Xiang ‘Anthony’

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Presentation on theme: "Extending a Mobile Device’s Interaction Space through Body-Centric Interaction Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Canada Xiang ‘Anthony’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extending a Mobile Device’s Interaction Space through Body-Centric Interaction Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Canada Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen, Nicolai Marquardt, Anthony Tang, Sebastian Boring, Saul Greenber MobileHCI’12 : Body, space and motion

2 Outline Introduction Body-centric Interaction Recurring Design Themes Body-centric Browser Design Issues & Challenges Conclusion & Future Work 2

3 Introduction (1/6) Modern mobile devices rely on the screen as a primary input modality Interaction tedium is exacerbated as mobile applications increase in both number and complexity 3

4 Introduction (2/6) Prior work has suggested various solutions to address this ‘small-screen’ problem 4 people place digital information onto different body parts

5 Introduction (3/6) Prior work has suggested various solutions to address this ‘small-screen’ problem 5 create virtual workspaces around a person’s body

6 Introduction (4/6) Prior work has suggested various solutions to address this ‘small-screen’ problem 6 orients the device to ‘peep into’ and navigate an information space envision a wearable mobile device

7 Introduction (5/6) It is difficult to distill ‘guidelines’ that stimulate new mobile interaction designs based on a person’s body and the space anchored to it 7

8 Introduction (6/6) Goal – Develop Body-Centric Interaction with Mobile Devices – Explore the breadth of this design theme, where go beyond point solutions in an attempt to create a network of design ideas 8

9 Body-centric Interaction (1/4) Implementation Technologies – Identify the body location that the mobile device is referring to (RFID tags | either fiduciary tags or shapes imprinted) – capture the fine-grained changing spatial relationships of the device relative to the body (infrared cameras & proximity Toolkit) 9

10 Body-centric Interaction (2/4) Storing and retrieving digital objects (bookmarks, photos, etc.) 10

11 Body-centric Interaction (3/4) Triggering digital shortcuts (making a phone call, starting the music player, etc.) 11

12 Body-centric Interaction (4/4) Controlling applications (navigating the calendar time line, selecting from a set of tools, etc.) 12

13 Recurring Design Themes (1/3) Situating Interactions in the Body’s Proximal Spaces – Pericutaneous space On-body space – Peripersonal space Around-body space 13

14 Recurring Design Themes (2/3) Tracking the Device-to-Body Spatial Relationships 14

15 Recurring Design Themes (2/3) Tracking the Device-to-Body Spatial Relationships 15

16 Recurring Design Themes (2/3) Tracking the Device-to-Body Spatial Relationships 16

17 Recurring Design Themes (3/3) Considerations for Mapping the Interactions – Physical constraints – People's kinesthetic sense – Visual cues – Associative experience 17

18 Body-centric Browser (1/2) Scenario 18

19 Body-centric Browser (2/2) Design – Displaying and managing opened tabs: the tab navigating zone – Bookmarking tabbed web pages: the bookmark zone – roviding control options with tabs: control zone 19

20 Design Issues & Challenges Scalability Search and Find Social & Cultural Concerns 20

21 Conclusion & Future Work Body-Centric Interaction with Mobile Devices contributes a class of mobile input techniques A bottom-up path of prototypes explored how such interactions can be realized We need robust and reliable enabling technologies that people can use and enjoy in their daily lives 21

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