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Google Confidential and Proprietary1 Finally, Staggeringly Good Things Mixing Google Earth and Media Hall Davidson Director, Discovery Educator Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Google Confidential and Proprietary1 Finally, Staggeringly Good Things Mixing Google Earth and Media Hall Davidson Director, Discovery Educator Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Confidential and Proprietary1 Finally, Staggeringly Good Things Mixing Google Earth and Media Hall Davidson Director, Discovery Educator Network

2 Hall Davidson, 2007 2 Table of Contents Slide 3 Wesites used in the presentation Slide 6 Quick Start User Guide Slide 7 Placemarks (adding Video and Audio) Slide 12 Image Overlays Slide 13 Quizzes and Assignments (unitedstreaming) Slide 15 Flyovers and Saving Slide 16 Ruler Slide 17 Preferences (Touring, 3D) Slide 19 Layers Slide 22 Communities Slide 23 Businesses Slide 24 Screen Capturing Google Earth Slide 26 Additional Resources & Websites Slide x Communities from Cindy Lane

3 Hall Davidson, 2007 3 Websites used in Presentation Handouts at www. (media matters blog) This ppt. represents the work of Lance Rougeux, Jannita Demian, and others from the DEN, each of whom do great Google Earth presentations!

4 Hall Davidson, 2007 4 Websites used in Presentation

5 Hall Davidson, 2007 5 Discovery Education unitedstreaming is a digital video-based learning resource that provides on-demand access to 50,000 content-specific segments from 5,000 full-length educational videos. Today, educators at more than half the schools across the United States use unitedstreaming to integrate vibrant digital content into the curricula of more than 30 million students. Google Earth combines satellite imagery, maps and the power of Google Search to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips. View exotic locales like Maui and Paris as well as points of interest such as local restaurants, hospitals, schools, and more. ….many more Free Resources

6 Hall Davidson, 2007 6 Google Earth Quick Start User Guide 1.Search Panel- Use to find places and directions 2.Overview Map- Use for an additional perspective 3.Hide/Show sidebar- Click to conceal or display side bar 4.Placemark- Click to add a placemark 5.Polygon- Click to add a polygon 6.Path- Click to add a path 7.Image Overlay- Click to add an image 8.Measure- Click to measure distance 9.Email- Click to email view or image 10.Print- Click to print current view 11.Navigation Controls- Use to tilt, zoom and move 12.Layers Panel- Use to display points of interests 13.Places Panel- Use to locate, save, and organize placemarks 14.3D Viewer- View the globe and terrain 15.Status Bar- View streaming status

7 Hall Davidson, 2007 7 80% Network Adding Placemarks Other 20% First Things First Create a Folder (Ctrl+Shift+N) This will help us keep our placemarks organized.

8 Hall Davidson, 2007 8 80% Network Adding Placemarks Other 20% 2. Add Placemark (Ctrl+Shift+P) To change the placemark icon, click the icon to the right of the placemark name. To include a description type in the white box.

9 Hall Davidson, 2007 9 80% Adding Placemarks to play video Adding Sounds or Video from free sites 1.Find media online 2.Click to Stream. 3.As it streams Right Click, then click properties, and copy location. 4.Paste in Google Earth Placemark Description box. Adding Video from fee sites (unitedstreaming) a.Right Click on play icon b.Copy short cut. c.Paste in Placemark Description box. 1 2 3 4 / c 28786_256k.asf

10 Hall Davidson, 2007 10 80% Adding Placemarks to play audio Adding Sounds, Stories, or Streaming Podcasts 1.Find media, stories, sounds, etc., online 2.Click to Stream. 3.As it streams Right Click screen, then click properties, and copy location. Or, if the URL is available, copy the location from the browser. 1 2 3

11 Hall Davidson, 2007 11 80% Adding Placemarks to play audio Adding Sounds, Stories, or Streaming Podcasts 4.Copy location from Properties window or from the web address line in the browser (e.g., Explorer) 5.Paste in Google Earth Placemark Description box. 3

12 Hall Davidson, 2007 12 80% Adding Image Overlays Other 20% To add an Image Overlay press (Ctrl+Shift+O) or from the menu bar click “Add” then “Image Overlay” Web - Right Click on web image, then click properties and copy and paste address. (Note: Make sure you get all correlating lines of the address) Hard Drive - Browse to the folder with images. (Note: Don’t move them later!) Adjust green box to desired image size Paste image address in the link box There are two kinds Image Overlays: From the Web - works anywhere in the world From your hard drive - works only on your computer

13 Hall Davidson, 2007 13 Look for Quizzes or Assignments on the web - start with Geography Awareness Quiz

14 Hall Davidson, 2007 14 Add Quizzes or Assignments -in unitedstreaming In addition to videos, you can also add quizzes and assignments to your placemark To find quizzes or assignments go to unitedstreaming’s Quiz and Assignment Builder located in the Teacher Center. Now you can create your own or search If you search, simply copy the quiz or assignment into your folder in My Content Go to My Content and open the quiz. It will open the Quiz Summary and you can simply copy the URL Return to Google Earth and open the Properties box of your placemark Type some text in the Description box and paste your url. Now, when you click on the placemark icon your text will appear with the link to the quiz or assignment

15 Hall Davidson, 2007 15 Network Fly Over and Saving Other 20% When you are ready to save your file. Highlight your folder, then click on “File” “Save” “Save Place as…” This will save it as a.kmz. This small file can easily be emailed. When someone opens the.kmz file, Google Earth will automatically be launched or users will be encouraged to download the program. To fly over all your place marks click, highlight your folder and click the play button.

16 Hall Davidson, 2007 16 80% Network Ruler Other 20% To find out distance traveled, from the menu bar select “Tools” then “Ruler” By clicking different points with your mouse you can create a line or a path. To convert units of measure select from the drop down menu.

17 Hall Davidson, 2007 17 80% Network Preferences: Touring Other 20% You can control the flying speed You can control or eliminate pauses You can repeat the tours (for Open House) or reinforcement You can open information balloons on tours Control Driving Tours here

18 Hall Davidson, 2007 18 Preferences: 3D View and others

19 Hall Davidson, 2007 19 Layers: Turning them on or off Layers: Featured Content Discovery Video layer has free video!

20 Hall Davidson, 2007 20 80% Network Layers: 3D Buildings Other 20% To turn on 3D buildings, go down to the “Layers” menu and check “3D Buildings” For added fun, zoom in, tilt your screen and fly through the streets

21 Hall Davidson, 2007 21 80% Network Layers: Earthquakes Other 20% In the “Layer” menu under “Geographic Features” is a check box for “Earthquakes” When you enable this icon, images will be displayed of the locations of a variety of earthquakes. Click on the icon to see date, magnitude, and a weblink. To view several earthquakes along a fault line type in “Area 51” in the fly to box.

22 Hall Davidson, 2007 22 Community For extra help, support, and unique and interesting places, visit the Google Earth Community under the “Help” menu.

23 Hall Davidson, 2007 23 80% Network Find Businesses To look for businesses (i.e. Starbucks, Pizza Parlors) in a particular location, type in the name of the company, city or zip code and enter. You will be able to find reviews, addresses, phone numbers, and even get directions.

24 Hall Davidson, 2007 24 80% Network You Don’t Have to be Live! You can use a screen capture program to record the tours and features in Google Earth. The high end versions of Google Earth work well (but take LOTS of RAM). You can use screen capture software to record the action in Google Earth and save it as a video file. Windows - SnagIt Mac - Snapz Pro Ambrosia Softward QuickTime file of GoogleEarth tour.

25 Hall Davidson, 2007 25 80% Network You Don’t Have to be Live! Launch Google Earth. Launch the screen capture program. (Snapz Pro shown on Mac) Choose Movie option. Draw movie window over section of screen to capture. Start the movie capture. Do what you want in Google Earth. Stop the capture when done. That’s it! Bonus: Pull into a video authoring program and take out pauses, speed up or slow down video action, and add music or narrative. Try iMovie (Mac), Adobe Premiere Elements (PC) or MovieMaker (wmv files)

26 Hall Davidson, 2007 26 Additional Resources Sounds & Sound Effects Videos Pictures www.pics4learnin Others Speeches and Narrations Let’s share other sources you use? _____________________________ In addition to the great resources provided by unitedstreaming and Google, these other resources are exemplary media sites.

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