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Spring 2008 CSE 1105 Degrees offered by CSE department Degree requirements New regulations Advising.

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1 Spring 2008 CSE 1105 Degrees offered by CSE department Degree requirements New regulations Advising

2 CSE Added emphasis on hardware, for example EE circuit theory Digital Logic Embedded systems Chemistry required CS SE Added emphasis on managing complex software systems, for example OO design Software engineering processes Software testing Software project management

3 Computer Science (CS) Software Applications – apply computing and technology to solve problems outside the computer field – for example, in medicine, manufacturing, videogames Artificial Intelligence and Robotics – develop computers and other machines and systems that simulate human learning and reasoning ability Operating Systems and Networks - develop the software that computers use to supervise themselves or to communicate with other computers Information Technology – develop and manage information systems that support a business or organization, including databases and other tools

4 Computer Science and Engineering (in addition to those for CS) Computer Design and Engineering – design new computer circuits, instruction sets and other electronic components to provide powerful and cost-effective computing Embedded Applications – design the unique software at the hardware level for applications ranging from cellphones to control systems onboard aircraft Autonomous vehicles – robotic vehicles independently controlled in environments ranging from undersea, ground, air, and space Supercomputing – hardware and software integration and implementation to increase raw computing power, primarily for scientific applications like weather simulation, security and encryption, image processing, etc.

5 Software Engineering (SE) Apply engineering discipline to design, scale up, test, manage, and maintain all of the kinds of systems described earlier

6 General Education courses 3 hours 2000-level literature COMS 3302 HIST 1311, 1312 POLS 2311, 2312 3 hours approved fine arts elective 3 hours approved social cultural elective

7 Pre-professional Courses ENGL 1301, 1302 MATH 1426, 2425, 2326 PHYS 1443, 1444 All required 1000 and 2000 level CSE courses CSE degree only: CHEM 1441, CSE 2340 and 2140 EE 2440

8 Professional Courses All degrees: CSE 3302, 3310, 3315, 3320, 3322, 3330 CSECSSE CSE 4316CSE 4316CSE 4316 CSE 4317CSE 4317CSE 4317 CSE 3442 MATH 3319MATH 3330MATH 3330 math electivemath elective6 hrs math/sci 4 hrs science IE 3301IE 3301 orIE 3301 or MATH 3313 MATH 3313 IE 3312IE 3312IE 3312 9 hrs tech12 hrs techSoftware Eng Pro electives electivesOO Software Eng Artificial IntelligenceSoftware Testing SW Project Mang SW Design Patt TOTAL 127TOTAL 121TOTAL 120

9 Foreign Language Requirement 8 hours foreign language 1441, 1442 2 years high school foreign language – same language – bring HS transcript to Belinda Tarrant room 323 English as a second language – see Dr. Barasch in person

10 MINOR Minimum 18 hours At least 6 at the advanced level Some departments have designated courses Some departments do not offer Request from Dr. Barasch Cannot, e.g., major in CSE and minor in SE

11 MATH 1426 Calculus I MATH 2425 Calculus II MATH 2326 Calculus III PHYS 1443 PHYS 1444 ENGL 1301 ENGL 1302 Professional Division (49 & 2.25+) 3 hrs. Literature HIST 1311 HIST 1312 POLS 2311 POLS 2312 3 hrs FineArts El 3 hrs Soc/Cult El COMS 3302 Pre-CSE (54 hrs) ( ) Leveling courses General Education (24 hrs) All Pre-Professional courses must be passed with a ‘C’ or better before being admitted to the Professional Division. As Required (in addition to 127): Foreign language(2 semesters of the same language) Math Placement Test/Advising (MATH prerequisite classes as needed) Prerequisite Co-requisite 3 hrs of Math/Sci electives 9 hours of Technical Electives (*) NOTE: Required courses are in Bold (MATH 1302) (MATH 1323) (1310) (or consent of instructor) 3315 Theo 3302 ProgLang 3310 SwE 3330 Database 3320 OS 3322 Arch I IE 3312 MATH 3319 IE 3301 4316 SenDsgn I 4317 SenDsgn II *4303 Graphics *4305 Compilers *4308 AI *4331 DBImpl *4348 Multimedia *4353 Distr’d Compt’g *4351 Parallel CHEM 1441 2340 2140 DigLogic 3442 Embedded *4301 CntPrg *4310 SwEProc *4311 OO SE *4312 FmlMeth *4361 SwEPat *4321 SwTest *4322 SwPrjMan *4313 Sig Proc *4360 RobotDesign *4342 RealTime *4319 SimMod *4323 Arch II *4344 Networks *4346 AdvNet *4320 TeleComm EE 3310 & EE 4330 EE 2440 (or) (with same team) Required courses for a BS in Computer Science Engineering (BSCSE) (127 hrs) (including CSE department technical electives*) (2007-2008 catalog) (Revised: 09.12.2007 5:36pm, effective Fall 2007) 1320 C/C++ 1104 Ethics 2312 Ass’y 1325 Java 2315 Discrete 2320 Alg/DataStr

12 3-Way GPA All must be >=2.25 UTA GPA Required CSE courses Required CSE/MATH/Science/ Engineering courses

13 Drops Student entering Texas public college/university Fall 2007 or later, maximum of 6 courses dropped Withdrawing from entire semester does not count toward the 6, but DOES count toward limit of 3 attempts per class and toward the floating 30/45 rule

14 Repeating courses Cannot retake a course in which you make a C (unless allowed by catalog). Must pass all pre-professional courses with a C or better. D allowed in professional courses Maximum 3 attempts On third attempt, out-of-state tuition is charged

15 Grade Replacement For students who entered UTA summer 2006 or earlier Maximum of 10 credit hours In the semester in which you are retaking the course, must register in the registrar by census day. The new grade will replace the old in GPA calculation. Both will appear on your transcript.

16 Grade exclusion For students who entered UTA fall 2006 or later Maximum of 3 courses, only one at the 3000-4000 level Apply online, permission needed from academic dean Course does not need to be retaken (but can be). Grade will not be included in GPA, but will appear on transcript

17 Floating 30/45 Student must pay out-of-state tuition for any hours at Texas public college/university that exceed 30 hours more than that required for bachelor’s degree (45 hours before fall 2006) Drops/withdrawals count! Hours for a minor count “Pre” courses count (e.g. precalculus)

18 WHO IS MY CSE UNDERGRADUATE ADVISOR? If your last name your assigned begins withadvisor is A-FDr. Barasch 335 NH x3638 G-N Dr. Reyes 337 NH x7408 O-ZMr. Springston 324 NH x3611

19 See only Dr. Barasch for: All transfer analysis All degree plan issues, for example to get a degree plan for VA or financial aid

20 Advising Requests Can come in person to see your advisor Online request The URL for the Online Advising Form is:

21 Advising requests Check approval lists for social/cultural and fine arts courses List course number and sections for all courses List ALL courses you are planning to take, not just CSE courses Permission required to take course outside UTA

22 Probationary Students CSE/CS/SE majors –See advisor for CSE courses –Go to Counseling and Advising Center, 242 NH, for clearance to register UND majors –See advisor for CSE courses –Go to Room 241 Davis Hall for clearance to register

23 Registration problems If you still cannot register after seeing advisor: Bring your pink copy to Belinda Tarrant, 323 NH Sometimes 24-48 hours needed during heavy advising time When adding an additional course, empty your shopping cart first

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