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Presentation on theme: " Sue Darker Assistant Director Adult Care Services Chair of Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sue Darker Assistant Director Adult Care Services Chair of Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board

2 Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB) In place since September 2009 Membership at a strategic level TOR – MOU to all CEO’s and Directors Think Tank – Strategic Aims – Business Plan

3 Strategic aims To provide clear leadership to ensure that effective governance arrangements are in place across all agencies to monitor and scrutinise practice, with objectives that minimise beaurocracy To have a consistent communicational voice reinforced through practice. To work on an agreed joint communication plan. To promote best practice and learning. To work with CSF on a county wide joint awareness campaign To make sure that safeguarding is everyone’s business!

4 HSAB Joint Working Statement: Through the work streams ensure a review of all current policies and protocol to ensure they are still fit for purpose. We will develop a strategy for disseminating the protocols of joint working to ensure they are embedded into frontline practice across all partners. The board then needs to evaluate the impact of joint working protocols and whether they are achieving the prescribed outcomes. We will ensure that the views of service users and carer’s are integral. Partners will be committed to sharing information and problem solving jointly. As a Board we will have a joined up system for understanding and discharging our roles and responsibilities to vulnerable adults and children in order for us to improve outcomes, and undertake our statutory functions jointly.

5 HSAB - Business Plan HSAB outcome focused business plan Outlines what we want achieve as a board How are we going to get there, by whom and when

6 Patricia Orme Head of Care Practice Adult Care Services

7 HSAB Business Plan Three main areas of work: Public engagement Learning and development Policy and practice

8 Public Engagement Work stream led by POhWER Board members will commit to meet with and listen to service users and carers. Agree a joint communication strategy that covers both general public awareness and specific communications about re major incidents. Develop a joint county wide awareness campaign

9 Learning and Development Work stream lead by Hertfordshire PCT Develop an overarching strategy, and a multi- agency competency based framework for individual’s roles and responsibilities. Evaluate training to ensure organisations deliver mandatory programmes of education to discharge their responsibilities with regard to Safeguarding

10 Policy, procedure and practice Work stream lead by Adult Care Services Launch revised procedures Ensure effective governance arrangements are in place Revise the information sharing protocol Involve service users in the development of new polices and practice.

11 Diversity Scoping exercise of the demographics of Hertfordshire. Form a database informed by scoping exercise; Identify 10 top languages and provide information in these languages and accessible formats- e.g. easy read, audio etc.

12 Raise Awareness To develop an agreed strategy to raise awareness and understanding of what safeguarding of vulnerable adults means. Highlight the importance of concerns being reported as early as possible. Ensure that the general public know how and where to report any concerns.

13 The Challenges Personalisation Engagement with users of services and carers Raising awareness Diversity – hard to reach groups Information sharing Evidencing outcomes

14 Scrutiny steer Awareness Campaign HSAB Strap-line Your challenge of practice Safeguarding Champions

15 THANK YOU Questions?

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