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CSE 101 Introduction to the Internet. Networks LAN (Local Area Network) WAN (Wide Area Network) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) GAN (Global Area Network)

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 101 Introduction to the Internet. Networks LAN (Local Area Network) WAN (Wide Area Network) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) GAN (Global Area Network)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 101 Introduction to the Internet

2 Networks LAN (Local Area Network) WAN (Wide Area Network) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) GAN (Global Area Network)

3 LAN Typologies Bus Token Ring Star Hierarchical Decentralized

4 Bus

5 Token Ring

6 Star

7 Hierarchical

8 Decentralized

9 1969 ARPAnet Advanced Research Projects Agency DoD 4 Universities  UCLA  UCSB  U Utah  SRI

10 3 Basic Truths The network grows fast Once you are touching one point on the Internet you can touch all other points connected to the Network You cannot just remove unwanted information from a decentralized network

11 Grows Fast 1971-- 15 Nodes 1972 -- 37 Nodes Network kept doubling in size every year

12 Once you touch one point you can reach the whole net

13 You cannot remove Information from the Net Communications Decency Act 1995 Child Protection Software  Cyber Patrol  Surf Watch  Net Nanny

14 Tower of Babble

15 TCP/IP 1975 Common set of protocols so that all computers on the network can communicate with one another

16 SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol E-mail is in ASCII text POP Mail Client side e-mail applications  Netscape, Outlook, Eudora, Pegasus Server side e-mail  Pine

17 Listserve (Mailing lists) Unmoderated Moderated Send only Internal Majordomo

18 NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol USENET News Not all servers carry all newsgroups Tracking Treads

19 Netiquette Lurk FAQ SPAM Flame Emoticons

20 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Anonymous Username and password authenticated Software  WS_FTP  CUTE FTP  Fetch for the MAC

21 1980s PC Revolution BBS Online services Government gives ARPANET to National Science Foundation with 20 Mil $$$ (1983) NSFNet

22 HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) Hyper Text Written in HTML (Hyper Text Markup language) URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

23 Other Internet Stuff Java Script Java Applets Shockwave Real Audio / Video

24 Addresses E-mail

25 etc...

26 More History 1989 - ARPAnet taken off line 1990-1993 Huge Growth. 1993 Introduction of Mosaic ISPs come into existance 1994 Marc Anderseen stars Netscape 1995 Common Grounds Internet Café opens.

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