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How to solve an Information Problem in six steps….

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Presentation on theme: "How to solve an Information Problem in six steps…."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to solve an Information Problem in six steps…

2 Task Definition: Define the Problem (assignment) Identify information needed  Ask questions:  What am I supposed to do/know/learn?  How much time do I have?  Are there rules/guidelines/requirements to follow?  Who can help me?  How will my work be evaluated?

3 Information Seeking Strategy: Determine all possible sources Select the best ones  Where can I get the information I need?  Will some sources be better than others?  How many different sources are required?  Is one enough? Two? Three?  Where do I start?

4 Location & Access: Locate information sources Find the information within  Where can I find a periodical article?  Should I use online sources and which ones?  Is keyword searching my best approach?  Should I use an index? Table of Contents?

5 Use the Information: Get engaged??? Extract what is needed  Read, Listen, Watch  Do I have to read THE WHOLE THING!?  Take notes! Record the information  Cite your sources

6 Synthesis (to put together): Organize that information Present the results  Create structure: arrange & outline  Write a draft  Do I have it all “covered”?  Revise & edit  Practice – rehearse - polish  Cite your sources

7 Evaluation: Judge the product Judge the process  Was this my best work?  Did I find enough information?  Was my “product” effective?  Did I clearly understand the task?  Did I have enough time?  What could I do better the next time?

8 The Big6 Process Task Definition Information Seeking Strategies Location and Access Use of Information SynthesisEvaluation

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