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10.8 Students analyze the causes and consequences of World War II. CH 29 The Collapse of the Old Order 1929 - 1949.

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1 10.8 Students analyze the causes and consequences of World War II. CH 29 The Collapse of the Old Order 1929 - 1949

2 The BIG PICTURE 1.Stalin in Russia (Animal Farm guy) 2.Global depression (Great Depression) 3.Benito Mussolini in Italy 4.Adolph Hitler in Germany 5.Sino Japanese War 6.The new warfare (holocaust and nukes)

3 The Stalin Revolution Eliminates Leon Trotsky and sets out to industrialize Russia –Oct. 1928 = 5 Year Plans ambitious goals and centralize the state power –Collectivization – make small farms into massive farms and fix the amount of food people get and make. 1933-34 “Terror Famine in the Ukraine” kills 5 million people due to poor harvests Second 5 year plan (1933 – 37) shifts from consumer goods to weapons. 1933-38- THE PURGES- Widspread arrest of all ranges of the communist party SHOW TRIALS 1936-38

4 Stalin's tactics Plans carried out by threat and force Created the NKVD (secret police) Citizens supported him in spite of fear and hardships Brutal methods industrialized the Soviet Union faster than any country in history

5 The Global Economic Depression Oct. 29, 1929 – New York stock market crashes New York banks recall loans to Germany and Austria thus ending reparations to France and Britain Tariffs, like the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, are passed and decrease world trade by 62% from 1929 – 1932 President Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) creates the “NEW DEAL” for the United States.

6 Depression in other nations France and Britain force their colonies to buy their products Japan and Germany hurt bad because they relied on exports India and China were not dependent on foreign trade Southern Africa prospered because of the increasing value of gold.


8 Mussolini’s Italian Fascism Benito Mussolini and the “Brown Shirts” march on Rome and demands King Victor Emmanuel III appoint him prime minister Established the fascist party and crushed the opposition Fascism – glorifies war and, nationalism, and heavily relies on propaganda. Imitated in Europe, Latin America, China, and Japan.

9 Hitler’s Fascist Germany Depression and hyperinflation in Germany blamed on socialists, Jews, and foreigners. Hitler was Austrian born, WWI veteran, who became the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi’s). 1925 he is put in jail where he writes Mein Kamph (My Struggle) Nazis gain support during the depression from the unemployed. 1933 Hitler assumes the post of Chancellor 1934 declares himself Fuher of the “Third Reich” Creates jobs, builds a military, and gets Germany out of the Depression.


11 East Asia’s road to war 1931-45 The Manchurian Incident of 1931 – Japanese attempt to end dependence on other countries by taking over part of China Mao Zedong – Leader of the communist party in the 1920’s Mao and the communists were pushed out of China on “The Long March”

12 Hitler’s Road to War 1933-39 Hitler withdrawals from the League of Nation Germany establishes an air force and introduces conscription… all in violation of the Treaty of Versailles Italy invades Ethiopia in 1935 Hitler takes back the Rhineland in 1936 1938 Hitler invades Austria and demands German speaking portions of Czechoslovakia back Munich Conference 1938 – Britain and France follow the policy of “appeasement” and do nothing. Hitler and Stalin sign the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact in 1939

13 Chinese Civil War & Communist Victory Japanese surrender in September of 1945 and leave China then a civil war between the Guomingdong and the Communist lasts until 1949 Guonmingdong is supported by the USA Communist got equipment from the Soviets Oct. 1, 1949 Mao Zedong announces the founding of the Peoples Republic of China Chaing Kia Shek and the Guongmingdong forces are driven to Taiwan.

14 Sino-Japanese War 1937-45 July 7, 1937 – Japan attacked China near Beijing. The USA and the League of Nations made no attempt to stop them Rape of Nanking 1937 – 38 – “Kill all, burn all, loot all.” Government of Chaing Kia-Shek escaped to the mountains of Sichaun Mao Zedong presented the Communist party as the only one that would fight the Japanese


16 WWII Begins WWII introduces motorized weapons (aircraft and aircraft carriers) Blitzkrieg – “Lightning War” Hitler’s strategy. Used in 1938 in Poland. Starts the war. Britain declares war on Germany and ends the policy of “appeasement”

17 War in Europe and North Africa Less than a month for Germany to take Poland Hitler had Europe from Spain to Russia by June 1940 Battle of Britain – June – Sept. 1940 Hitler is unable to take Britain because of the Royal Air Force (RAF) 1943 – Hitler is defeated in Russia at Stalingrad due to the Russian winter. North Africa – Italians/ Germans take Egypt and Somalia but are stopped at Al Alamein


19 War in Asia and the Pacific July 1941 Japan takes Indochina and the US stops shipping oil and steel to Japan Dec. 7 1941 – A day that will live in infamy… Pearl Harbor attacked USA joins the British and the Russians forming the ALLIES. By June 1942 the US’s Island Hopping campaign in the Pacific had destroyed Japan’s 6 largest aircraft carriers


21 End of the War 1943 – Soviet Red Army had pushed into Poland. The US and Britain successfully invade Sicily and Italy 1944 the Allies take back France with the help of “La Resistance” in France VE Day – May 8, 1945 Germany is defeated after the Battle of the Bulge August 1945 US drops the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ending the War in the Pacific.

22 End of the War 1943 – Soviet Red Army had pushed into Poland. The US and Britain successfully invade Sicily and Italy 1944 the Allies take back France with the help of “La Resistance” in France VE Day – May 8, 1945 Germany is defeated after the Battle of the Bulge August 1945 US drops the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ending the War in the Pacific.



25 The War of science Huge death toll and vast numbers of refugees. Unprecedented human suffering. Development of synthetic rubber and radar Cryptanalysis and antibiotics (penicillin) Aircraft, missiles, and atomic weapons Bombing raids were not limited to military targets Fire bombing was used in cities to break the citizens moral


27 The Holocaust Nazi policy of systematically killing civilians –Jews –Polish Catholics –Homosexuals –Jehovah Witness’s –Gypsies –The handicapped Hitler’s goals was to achieve “racial purity” of the Aryan people through the “final solution”


29 The Home Front In Europe and Asia civilians were in as much danger as the military –In the United States there was no fighting –Consumer goods were in short supply –Savings rates increased –Women, African and Mexican Americans moved into jobs once reserved for white men –Executive Order 9066 placed all western state Japanese-Americans in internment camps War itself damaged the environment and increased production caused pollution


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