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NERT College Disaster Operations Task Force Response Plan Workshop 300-6 NERT FOG Chapter 6.

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1 NERT College Disaster Operations Task Force Response Plan Workshop 300-6 NERT FOG Chapter 6

2 Field Operations Guide Field Operations Guide or FOG Is NERT’s guide for disaster operations You will see references to it throughout the training

3 March 2008NERT Disaster Operations #6-Planning33 Why a Task Force Response Plan? imposes order where there is chaos defines objectives and the steps needed to accomplish them assigns responsibility and monitors task completion reflects changing conditions (updating during event) FOG-p. 17

4 March 2008NERT Disaster Operations #6-Planning44 Decision Making during Planning NERT consensus applies, but Task Force Leader or Team Leader has final decision All participants must understand decisions made and agree to support them Decisions are based on information and resources available at the time Participants are prepared and authorized to make decisions FOG-p. 18

5 March 2008NERT Disaster Operations #6-Planning55 Putting the Plan Together - Checklist Schedule planning meeting Notify those who need to participate  Task Force Leader, Sections heads Meeting  chaired by Task Force Leader  lasts no longer than 30 minutes  conducted in quiet area with necessary materials  minutes must be taken FOG-p. 19

6 March 2008NERT Disaster Operations #6-Planning66 Putting the Plan Together - Checklist Agenda  I&P presents draft plan based on incident status report  Determine objectives  Make/revise assignments  Establish operational period  Set next meeting time Record the plan and decisions made  Distribute to those who need it Set procedures for updating the plan

7 March 2008NERT Disaster Operations #6-Planning77 Task Force Response Plan Outline 1.Objectives and priorities NERT objectives:  don’t be a victim  do the most good for the most people NERT priorities are:  life-threatening and potentially life-threatening situations where it is safe for NERT to respond  life-threatening as well as potentially life-threatening situations that impact response capabilities that need to be reported to the EDCC FOG-p. 18

8 March 2008NERT Disaster Operations #6-Planning88 Task Force Response Plan Outline-2 2.Choose strategy to achieve objectives  address incidents by priority  must act within the limits of NERT training  based on available resources  keep in mind the extent and impact of the event

9 March 2008NERT Disaster Operations #6-Planning99 Task Force Response Plan Outline-3 3.Determine tactics suited to the strategy  always within limits of NERT training 4.Kinds and number of resources needed  based on tactics (actual incidents and information 5.Assignments and organization  NERT follows ICS

10 March 2008NERT Disaster Operations #6-Planning10 Task Force Response Plan Outline-4 6.Incident map 7.Communications plan  authorization, means and timing for getting information to the EDCC, handling information from the EDCC  an in-staging area plan may be needed 8.Weather  describe weather conditions that may affect response 9.Safety messages  list any known hazards and precautions to take 10.Supporting documents such as medical and traffic plans

11 March 2008NERT Disaster Operations #6-Planning11 Exercise Create a plan for your event Consider all needs and requirements Determine what ICS section’s responsibilities are for your event Take yourself OUT of the NERT role Use ICS in a non-disaster setting 11

12 March 2008NERT Disaster Operations #6-Planning12 Exercise 1.Business meeting for 200 people in 3 locations in U.S.A., will include lunch 2.25 th Anniversary Party for 100 in the evening, with food and live music 3.Bay Cruise for 150 on a Saturday evening, with dinner in Tiburon 4.Ski trip to Tahoe for 5 families for a 3-day weekend 12

13 March 2008NERT Disaster Operations #6-Planning13 Thank You We would like to thank those who contributed to this presentation:  the SF Fire Department  the Department of Emergency Management  NERT volunteers

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