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Disaster Preparedness and Response. Developing New Guidance for PARBICA PARBICA 14 Evidence and Memory in the Digital Age.

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Presentation on theme: "Disaster Preparedness and Response. Developing New Guidance for PARBICA PARBICA 14 Evidence and Memory in the Digital Age."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disaster Preparedness and Response. Developing New Guidance for PARBICA PARBICA 14 Evidence and Memory in the Digital Age

2 Programme 1.00 – 1.15Background and Purpose of workshop 1.15 – 1.45 Overview of draft guidance 1.45 – 2.15Group exercise – relevance of the guidance 2.15 – 2.30 Report Back and discussion 2.30 – 3.00Afternoon Tea 3.00 – 3.30Group Exercise – What if? 3.30 – 4.00Report back and discussion 4.00-4.30Summary, Next Steps and Close

3 Purpose of Workshop To give PARBICA members a chance to provide content for the guidance To let PARBICA members know that the guidance is being developed and will be released To make sure we get it right

4 A Topical Issue Cyclone Heta Haiti National Library/Archive Cologne City Archive Australian floods and bush fires Samoan Tsunami Christchurch Earthquake Key message every time: BE PREPARED

5 PARBICA’s Response 2009 Workshop had three recommendations for PARBICA: 1. Recommend including disaster guidance and training in the next phases of the Recordkeeping for Good Governance Toolkit 2. Include a disaster training workshop at the next PARBICA conference 3. Contact the Pacific Heritage Network (PIMA and ICOMOS Pacifica) to recommend establishment of a Blue Shield Pacifica

6 PARBICA’s Response (2) Resolutions from PARBICA 13: Noted the high risk to records and archives throughout the Pacific region and the lack of disaster preparedness and planning for records and archives, and called on Pacific governments and PARBICA members to take actions to reduce the risk to records and archives from natural disasters in their countries, states and territories Noted that there are a range of threats to archives and records, from natural disasters to vulnerability of different formats, and urged archival and recordkeeping institutions to work with others to plan for shared responses to ensure the protection and survival of records and cultural heritage in the Pacific region.

7 Guidance: Purpose and Methodology Recordkeeping for Good Governance Toolkit GUIDELINE 1: Recordkeeping Capacity Checklist Similar approach to toolkit Start with ALIA guidance Model guidance with templates Focus on archives, not government agencies Draw on Pacific experience

8 Programme 1.00 – 1.15Background and Purpose of workshop 1.15 – 1.45 Overview of draft guidance 1.45 – 2.15Group exercise – relevance of the guidance 2.15 – 2.30 Report Back and discussion 2.30 – 3.00Afternoon Tea 3.00 – 3.30Group Exercise – What if? 3.30 – 4.00Report back and discussion 4.00-4.30Summary, Next Steps and Close

9 Two Products PARBICA Guideline for Disaster Preparedness and Response PARBICA Templates for Disaster Preparedness and Response

10 Contents of Guideline 1.Forward Planning 2.Response when the building or collection is damaged 3.Response when supporting government or community 4.Recovery when collection or building is damaged 5.Recovery when supporting government or community 6.Rebuilding

11 Group Activity Are we on the right track? Group 1: Forward Planning Group 2: Response/Recovery for your building/collection Group 3: Response/Recovery for govt. or community Group 4: Rebuilding –What is relevant/ not relevant –What is missing? –Is the structure right for PARBICA?

12 Programme 1.00 – 1.15Background and Purpose of workshop 1.15 – 1.45 Overview of draft guidance 1.45 – 2.15Group exercise – relevance of the guidance 2.15 – 2.30 Report Back and discussion 2.30 – 3.00Afternoon Tea 3.00 – 3.30Group Exercise – What if? 3.30 – 4.00Report back and discussion 4.00-4.30Summary, Next Steps and Close

13 Programme 1.00 – 1.15Background and Purpose of workshop 1.15 – 1.45 Overview of draft guidance 1.45 – 2.15Group exercise – relevance of the guidance 2.15 – 2.30 Report Back and discussion 2.30 – 3.00Afternoon Tea 3.00 – 3.30Group Exercise – What if? 3.30 – 4.00Report back and discussion 4.00-4.30Summary, Next Steps and Close

14 Programme 1.00 – 1.15Background and Purpose of workshop 1.15 – 1.45 Overview of draft guidance 1.45 – 2.15Group exercise – relevance of the guidance 2.15 – 2.30 Report Back and discussion 2.30 – 3.00Afternoon Tea 3.00 – 3.30Group Exercise – What if? 3.30 – 4.00Report back and discussion 4.00-4.30Summary, Next Steps and Close

15 Group Activity What if? Group 1: Tsunami Group 2: Earthquake Group 3: Fire Group 4: Burst water main or pipe Instructions: –Go through the template and complete the empty boxes –List the roles you would use and not use for your scenario?

16 What is Blue Shield? An international committee formed in 1996 to protect endangered cultural heritage, under the frame work of the Hague Convention. The symbol adopted by the committee was that used by the Hague Convention to denote protected cultural sites. The four pillar organisations are: International Council on Archives (ICA) International Council on Museums (ICOM) International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)  The mission of the International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS) is to work for the protection of the world’s cultural heritage by co-ordinating preparations to meet and respond to threat and damage from natural disaster and conflict. At a national level, committees in over 20 countries work to increase awareness and to “prevent and prepare”.

17 What are the Benefits of Blue Shield? 1.Cohesive support and advocacy at a national level for disaster preparedness and recovery, 2.Increased standards of risk management amongst heritage sector 3.Enhanced communications and sharing of expertise and resources during an event or disaster 4.Ability to have resources for both prevention and intervention previously identified and available 5.Identifying and sharing information on risks to cultural heritage world-wide 6.Increasing public awareness about damage to cultural heritage 7.Single point of sector coordination with the government disaster Ministry

18 How could Blue Shield work in the Pacific? Action from 2009 Contact the Pacific Heritage Network (PIMA and ICOMOS Pacifica) to recommend establishment of a Blue Shield Pacifica Won’t work 1 or 2 national committees is a good start and along with Australia and New Zealand could serve as a Pacific network Action: Talk to your museum and library colleagues about setting up a national committee

19 Summing up and close of workshop PARBICA is developing guidance on disaster preparedness and response What are two actions you can take out of today’s discussions?

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