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SPECTRUM ACADEMY REFLECTION Poems. REFLECTION When we reflect, we look back on what has happened and think seriously about it Reflection is a great tool.

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Presentation on theme: "SPECTRUM ACADEMY REFLECTION Poems. REFLECTION When we reflect, we look back on what has happened and think seriously about it Reflection is a great tool."— Presentation transcript:


2 REFLECTION When we reflect, we look back on what has happened and think seriously about it Reflection is a great tool for personal growth We can think about what went well and what did not We can think about our own personal responsibility in experiences We can decide what we would do the same and what we would do differently We can learn from our mistakes “When things don’t go the way you want, what you get is experience.” (But only if you pay attention and reflect!)

3 OUR JOB TODAY Today, we are writing reflection poems about our school These poems should focus on the positive and tell each other, ourselves, and our teachers what good things the school has shown you, has done for you, and has been for you this year When we are done, we will write a final draft on a smaller piece of paper and give the copies to Mr. Barry and Ms. Liz You can choose from the “I Am” poem or from a “Synonym Diamante” poem


5 YOUR POEM If you do an “I Am” poem, it can be shorter (or longer!) than the example given It should focus on positive reflections It should be from the point of view of the school (I am Spectrum Academy) or Social Skills class (I am Social Skills) Yes, the school is not alive The school does not think The school does not have feelings We are pretending! This is a great chance to practice taking another point of view! If this is hard, think of the people that make up the school– your teachers, fellow students, etc.

6 SYNONYM DIAMANTE POEM Diamante poems have a very specific structure: Line 1: a noun Line 2: 2 adjectives that describe the first noun Line 3: 3 verbs that end in “ing” that are related to the first noun Line 4: 4 nouns that are related to the first and last noun Line 5: 3 verbs that end in “ing” that are related to the last noun Line 6: 2 adjectives that describe the last noun Line 7: a noun that is similar (a synonym) to the first noun (example: You could use “Spectrum Academy” and “school”)

7 SYNONYM DIAMANTE EXAMPLE Monsters Evil, Spooky Howling, Shrieking, Wailing Ghosts, Vampires, Goblins, Witches Flying, Scaring, Terrifying Creepy, Crawly Creatures See? It looks like a diamond!

8 YOUR POEM If you choose to do a Synonym Diamante poem, you should follow the rules in this Power Point Your poem should focus on positive reflections It should be about Spectrum Academy OR Social Skills class

9 ROUGH DRAFT/FINAL DRAFT You should write your rough draft(s) in your notebook Your teacher should check it to make sure it fits the guidelines and to make sure you get participation points When you are ready, you will receive a sort-of-small piece of paper on which to write the final draft. Use your best hand-writing and take your time! Turn in your final draft so that it can be put in the book!

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