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2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning Session 2.1. Initial EFSA Primary Data: Key Informants & Sites Selection 1.

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Presentation on theme: "2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning Session 2.1. Initial EFSA Primary Data: Key Informants & Sites Selection 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning Session 2.1. Initial EFSA Primary Data: Key Informants & Sites Selection 1

2 2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning Session Objectives After this session, participants should be able to: Describe how a list of appropriate key informants is compiled Explain procedures for deciding whether to interview households in an initial EFSA Explain procedures for selecting primary data collection sites in an initial EFSA 2

3 2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning Identify KIs & sites; adapt checklist; visit sites for interviews & observations The Process Collect and Compile Secondary Data Collect and Compile Primary Data using checklist Conduct Situation Analysis Conduct Forecast Analysis Produce Recommendations Write Initial EFSA report Develop Work Plan and TORs 3

4 2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning How is primary data gathered (in the context of an Initial EFSA) ? Enumerate primary data collection methods that you know? Select methods which can be applied to the context of an initial EFSA. 4

5 2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning Key informants (KIs) What do we look for in a good KI? Formal role at central or local level Knowledgeable about and currently or recently involved in topics of interest to the assessment Cultural liaison – can introduce us to others Other? 5

6 2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning What do we expect to learn from them? pre-crisis conditions / how services were normally organized degree to which services have been impacted most affected locations any relief activities already underway or planned Who else we should interview, particularly among the affected Interviewing key informants 6

7 2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning Interviewing Households? no time to conduct formal household surveys key informants in the field can indicate to us: –specific families whose situation echoes that of the majority of the population (e.g. farmers) –families or individuals who present particular needs (e.g. women-headed households, isolated individuals, elderly, children, etc.). 7

8 2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning Key Informant What type of info do we expect? What bias should we watch for? 1. Community health worker ?? 2. Wat/san engineer ?? 3. Local district official ?? 4. Red Crescent volunteer ?? 5. Elder from group of disaster displaced ?? Exercise in plenary: Info, Bias & Key Informants 8

9 2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning Site Selection From WFP TGS # 6: “Even if time is limited and even if an Initial EFSA benefits from the results of previous assessments and visits carried out by others, at least a one-day field visit in the affected area(s) is advised, if only to make visual observations.” 9

10 2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning Selection Tools Secondary data review Discussions with KIs in capital city Phone calls with KIs in field Maps 10

11 2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning Factors influencing site selection? 11

12 2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning Site Selection Based on secondary data from key informants try to determine if impact is same throughout area and for all population groups. If so, randomly select a small number of sites/villages to visit. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 = Highland farmers = Low land farmers = Pastoralists Case 1 10 11 12 9 8 6 7 4 5 1 2 3 If impact is not same, map localities where impacts are believed to be different - i.e. include a majority of worst-affected sites and a few (two or three) less-affected areas/groups for verification purposes Case 2 12

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