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Medicine and Diseases By: Alexis Griffie.

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1 Medicine and Diseases By: Alexis Griffie

2 Medicines Google Images

3 Stomach Pain and Sickness: For stomach pain or sickness, wormwood, mint and balm were used.
Google Images Google Images Google Images

4 Head Pains: For head pains they were most commonly treated with sweet smells such as rose, lavender, sage and bay. Google Images Google Images Google Images Google Images

5 Lung Problems: Lung problems were treated by liquorice and comfrey.
Google Images Google Images

6 Wounds: Wounds were commonly treated with vinegar
Wounds: Wounds were commonly treated with vinegar. Vinegar was believed to kill the disease. Google Images

7 Additional Medicines Used For Different Treatments
Tobacco, Google Images Dried Toad, Google Images Arsenic, Google Images Lilly Root, Google Images

8 Diseases Google Images Google Images Google Images Google Images

9 Bubonic Plague: The Bubonic plague was also known as black death. It was called this due to the black spots that appeared on the skin. Bubonic plague is an infection o f the lymph nodes. The victim would usually have the symptoms 2 – 5 days after exposure. Google Images

10 Where Did the Bubonic Plague Come From?
The bubonic plague mostly came from fleas. Rodents that were affected by the disease were a host for the flea. The flea then sucked the blood of the affected animal and carried it to a human. This made a cycle that transferred the disease. Google Images Google Images

11 Google Images

12 Google Images

13 Bubonic Plague; Symptoms
Chills Fever General Ill feeling Headache Muscle Pain Seizures Smooth but painful bubo (lymph gland), usually found on groin, armpits, neck or anywhere a scratch or bite has been found. Pain usually occurs before swelling

14 Facts About Bubonic Plague
The common song “ring around the rosie” actually originated from this time period describing the effects of the bubonic plague. As high as 2/3 of Europe's population was eliminated due to this disease. The name black death is modern. During the plague, it was called "the Great Mortality" or "the Pestilence”.

15 Typhoid Bacterial disease spread through unclean food, water, and, being in close contact with someone effected. Symptoms are: High fever Sweating Diarrhea

16 Interesting Facts Upper class women that applied make up were usually poisoned because the make up was made with lead. Both wealthy and poor were affected by diseases. Broken bones and wounds made diseases even worse due to unsanitary conditions. The only cure for an aching tooth was to pull it out. Medicine was very basic during this time. Doctors wore long dark robes, leather gloves, and boots.

17 Work Cited All pictures from Google Images. N/A. “Elizabethan Era”. ”Elizabethan-Era”. March 20,2008. WEB. January 16, 2012

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