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MARKED FOR GREATNESS CHAPTER 21 Alley Boston and Maggie Casteel Honors English IV Mrs. Ross 3 rd Block.

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1 MARKED FOR GREATNESS CHAPTER 21 Alley Boston and Maggie Casteel Honors English IV Mrs. Ross 3 rd Block

2 MAIN POINTS  In real life, a scar or physical imperfection does not mean anything metaphorically. It could represent a time or story in your life, but usually nothing more.  In the literary world, when a character has a physical imperfection, it usually represents a deeper moral or spiritual metaphor.

3 MAIN POINTS  In the Old World (Shakespeare’s time), scars, deformities, or mental disabilities were thought to draw one away from God or cause them to be immoral.  In modern literature (today), we don’t define a person’s character by their physical traits, but we still use physical imperfections symbolically.

4 CHARACTER DIFFERENTIATION  Physical imperfections can make a character stand out or be recognized.  Scars, wounds, or other imperfections (even tattoos) can contribute to major plot points later in a work or series  Harry Potter’s entire destiny is determined because of his scar: he has to defeat Voldemort.  In Scarface, he enacts revenge on the people who gave him the scar.

5 MAIN POINTS  Hideous outer forms could either:  Represent elements of ourselves we want to hide (Frankenstein)  Mask our inner strength and beauty (Beauty and the Beast)

6 MAIN POINTS  “Life marks all who pass through it.”  Not all deformities and scars are significant.

7 IN THE KITE RUNNER  Hassan’s harelip and scar after the surgery make him stand out. His harelip could represent his illiteracy.  Ali and Soraya’s infertility are essential elements in the plot.

8 IN THE KITE RUNNER  Ali’s face is paralyzed, but on the day that Ali and Hassan leave, Ali’s face turns into a grimace.  Amir gets a scar above his lip towards the end of the book, just like the one Hassan had.

9 IN THE KITE RUNNER  Hassan’s harelip made him emotionally and mentally stronger. It caused him to be mild- mannered and not draw attention to himself.  Amir did not experience the ridicule like Hassan, so he didn’t understand how Hassan felt.

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