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Understanding Transformational Change in NAMAs Liberal Seburikoko UNFCCC regional workshop, Kigali 18 August 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Transformational Change in NAMAs Liberal Seburikoko UNFCCC regional workshop, Kigali 18 August 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Transformational Change in NAMAs Liberal Seburikoko UNFCCC regional workshop, Kigali 18 August 2015

2 GCF’s Paradigm Shift Potential The concept of paradigm shift potential, one of the Fund’s six investment criteria, may be expanded to understand the transformational change in NAMAs Shift to low-emissio n development pathways Potential for scaling-up and replication Potential for contributing to achieving the 2 degree go al Potential for knowledge and learning Potential for contributing to the creation of an enabl ing environment Potential for contributing to the regulatory framework and policies Potential for supporting climate resilient development Paradigm Shift Potential Degree to which the proposed activity can catalyse impact beyond a one-off project or programme investment

3 Readiness and Preparatory Support Scope of Readiness Activities AREA 1 Establishing and Strengthening NDAs/focal points AREA 2 Strategic Framework including the Preparation of Country Programmes AREA 3 Selection of Interm ediaries and Imple menting Entities, and Support for Accreditation AREA 4 Initial Pipelines of Programmes and Project Proposals AREA 5 Information Sharing, Experience Exchange and Learning The Fund provides support for readiness and preparatory activities to enhance country ownership and access during the early stages of its operationalization. It is a dedicated and cross-cutting programme intended to maximize the effectiveness of the Fund by empowering developing countries. Link to NAMAs Link to NAMAs under development

4 Draft Guidance for Country Programmes As part of the Activity Area 2, country programmes are driven by a robust process to engage stakeholders across government, local institutions, the private sector, and civil society to develop a clear sense of priority projects/programmes that the GCF can support. Country Programmes will include: 1.National Sustainable Development Context and Climate Change Response 2.Roles and Contributions of Key Stakeholders 3.Identification of GCF Priorities 4.Action Plan 5.Monitoring Section 1, which takes stock of existing strategies and policies, includes NAMAs as one of the key components to draw out priority projects and programmes

5 NAMA NAPNAPAINDCs TNA Country Programmes Existing Strategies Fund Consultation Mitigation Energy generation and access Transport Buildings, cities, industries, and appliances Forests and land use Adaptation Health, food and water security Livelihoods of people and communities Infrastructure and built environment Ecosystems and ecosystem services Country Consultation NDA / Focal Points National Stakeholders [Private Sector, Gov’t, Local Gov’t/ Cities, CSOs] Synthesize Climate-compatible cities Sustainable climate-smart agriculture Scaling up finance for forests and climate change Enhancing resilience in SIDS Transforming energy generation and access Result Areas Impact Analysis Others Readiness Support Country Programmes Development Process

6 Approval Process of Projects/Programmes 0. NDA develops Country Work Programme 2. Development of concept note and re view with NDA + se cretariat 1. Generation of proposal s through regular calls + spontaneous submissions 4. Analysis by secretariat + technical advisory panel result in board r ecommendation 5. Board Decision 6. Legal Agreement wih IE/intermediary and no tification of NDA Modification to reflect feedback 3. Submission of Proposal Resubmit (starting with step 1) or appeal decision AcceptConditionalReject


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