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 People began to pity the disabled and treat them with care  Goal was to help them lead normal lives  JFK strongly encouraged aid for the handicapped.

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Presentation on theme: " People began to pity the disabled and treat them with care  Goal was to help them lead normal lives  JFK strongly encouraged aid for the handicapped."— Presentation transcript:

1  People began to pity the disabled and treat them with care  Goal was to help them lead normal lives  JFK strongly encouraged aid for the handicapped

2  Improved the education of economically disadvantaged students  Helped low income children to have equal opportunities

3  Prohibits discrimination of disabled in any program funded by federal money  Requires handicapped access to all buildings

4  Helps children with learning disabilities  Provides $$$ to assist those with a handicap  Early stages of Special Edu.

5  Make American society more accessible  Required handicapped restrooms, doorways, elevators etc.


7  Activism by Disabled Veterans- Vietnam Vets. Began to require more accessible facilities  Deinstitutionalization- helped the mentally ill get out of the asylums and receive better care

8  Goal was to integrate disabled persons into society  Students are attending school with everybody else  Assistance is given to those in need in order to level the playing field of opportunity

9  Lyndon B. Johnson was born a poor farmer in Texas  Served several years in Cong.  Goal was to end poverty with his “Great Society”



12  VISTA- similar to the Peace Corps but helped people in the U.S. and on reservations  Medicare- (OLD) healthcare for the elderly

13  Medicaid- (Poor) health care for the poor  Head Start- helping children from poor backgrounds  Encouraged the Clean Air, and Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Act

14  24 th Amend- banned the use of poll taxes in Fed. elections  LBJ programs greatly increased the cost of govt.  Many argued that it gives to much and led to the problems we have today

15  LBJ is very similar to FDR in that the power of the federal government drastically increased during their presidencies  LBJ helped escalate the Vietnam Conflict which hurt his image

16  Women were barred from high positions in businesses  They were paid less for the same job  Considered inferior



19  Women wanted equal opportunities for everything  Title IX (1972)- equal treatment in schools for female staff and students  Greatly impacted college sports


21  Goal was equal pay for equal work, child care centers  Led by Gloria Steinem  The Feminine Mystique- said weaker sex is capable of doing a man’s job

22  ERA- wanted equality for all under the law  35 states approved it in 1977  1982- last year eligible still only 35 approved (need 38)


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